While there is an extensive body of evidence about the importance of engagement with faculty for undergraduate students, there is a dearth of scholarly attention to the experiences of graduate and professional students. This edited book examines current and future changes to U.S. college and university environments and the ways in which these shifts affect student-faculty interactions and engagement with graduate students. This volume highlights the distinct ways in which graduate students interact with faculty through research opportunities, advising, collaborations, teaching, mentoring, and socialization. This book also offers practical implications and recommendations for higher education faculty, student and academic affairs staff, faculty development professionals, and leaders for fostering effectual student-faculty experiences in graduate education.

chapter 1|18 pages


Graduate and professional education in the United States and the roles of college and university faculty

part I|66 pages

Curriculum and teaching

chapter 2|20 pages

Becoming co-learners and mentors

Creating intentional connections between faculty and graduate learners in short-term academic programs

chapter 4|23 pages

Increasing equity through project-based learning in graduate and professional schools

Problems of practice, cases, and clinics

part II|66 pages

Identity and experiences

part III|58 pages

Graduate student mentoring

chapter 9|20 pages

Creating a bridge to the future

Preparing new faculty for the evolving realities of academia

chapter 10|14 pages


Meaningful student-faculty engagement for graduate and professional students