This collection explores the critical decolonial practices of applied linguistics researchers from Latin America and the Latin American diaspora, shedding light on the processes of epistemological decolonization and moving from a monolingual to a multilingual stance.

The volume brings together participants from an AILA 2021 symposium, in which researchers reflected on applied linguistics in Latin America, and on the ways in which it brought concerns around social justice, the legacy of coloniality, and the role of monolingual English in education to the fore. Each chapter is composed of four parts: an autobiographical section written both in Spanish or Portuguese and in English followed by a reflection on the epistemological differences between versions; a discussion in English of the research project; a critical reflection on the epistemic practices and critical pedagogies enacted in the project; and the author(s)’ understanding of the concept of decolonization and recommendations for further decolonizing the monolingual mindset of language teachers and learners. At once linguistic, epistemological, and political, the collection aims to diversify the concept of decoloniality itself and showcase other ways in which decolonial thought can be implemented in language education.

This book will be of interest to scholars in applied linguistics, sociolinguistics, and language education.

chapter |30 pages


Exploring the decolonial challenge: Critical pedagogy and epistemological translation in applied linguistic research in Latin America

part I|67 pages

Exploring coloniality in applied linguistic theory and practice

chapter 1|21 pages

The syntax of marginalization in Colombian language policies

From colonialism to neoliberalism

chapter 2|22 pages

On being critical

Language ideologies and the (de)stabilization of the colonial logic in a Brazilian education policy

part II|70 pages

Critical pedagogies for pre- and in-service teachers

part III|100 pages

Epistemological translations from the Latin American diaspora

chapter 7|25 pages

A plurilingual MOOC to engage reflexivity, criticality, and multimodality in educational practices

Questioning coloniality and cultural and linguistic mindsets

chapter 8|21 pages

Onward to Pquyquy (or thinking with the heart)

Conceptualizing the decolonization of being for language teaching and research

chapter 9|24 pages

¡La Lucha Sigue!

Decolonizing college composition classrooms in Latinx California

chapter |28 pages


Towards a new framework for decolonizing practice: The multilingual mindset