Bringing together a unique collection of 18 insightful and innovative internationally focused articles, Educational Research Practice in Southern Contexts offers reflections, case studies, and critically, research methods and processes which decentre, reframe, and reimagine conventional educational research strategies and operationalise the tenets of decolonising theory.

This anthology represents a valuable teaching resource. It provides readers with the chance to read high-quality examples of research that critique current ways of doing research and to reflect on how research methods can contribute to the project of decolonising knowledge production in and about education in, for example, Africa, South Asia, Asia, and Latin America. It grapples with everyday dilemmas and tricky ethical questions about protection, consent, voice, cultural sensitivity, and validation, by engaging with real-world situations and increasing the potential for innovation and new collaborations.

Educational Research Practice in Southern Contexts will be essential reading for anyone teaching educational research methods and will encourage novice and experienced researchers to rethink their research approaches, disentangle the local and global, and challenge those research rituals, codes, and fieldwork practices which are often unproblematically assumed to be universally relevant.



Reimagining education research practices – from the South to North

part I|94 pages

Centring Southern experiences of education, knowledge and power

part II|92 pages

Reframing the codes, rules and rituals of educational research practice

chapter 1147|19 pages

Reflexivity and the Politics of Knowledge

Researchers as ‘brokers’ and ‘translators’ of educational development

chapter 9|21 pages

(Re)Centring the Spirit

A spiritual Black feminist take on cultivating right relationships in qualitative research

chapter 10|15 pages

Fieldwork for Language Education Research in Rural Bangladesh

Ethical issues and dilemmas

chapter 11|18 pages

Informed Consent in Educational Research in the South

Tensions and accommodations

part III|131 pages

Reimagining educational research approaches for emancipation

chapter 13|22 pages

Focus Groups and Methodological Rigour Outside the Minority World

Making the method work to its strengths in Tanzania

chapter 15|16 pages

Getting the Picture and Changing the Picture

Visual methodologies and educational research in South Africa

chapter 16|19 pages

Entering an Ambiguous Space

Evoking polyvocality in educational research through collective poetic inquiry

chapter 17|19 pages

Researching Family Lives, Schooling and Structural Inequality in Rural Punjab

The power of a Habitus Listening Guide

chapter 18|17 pages

Pedagogy of Absence, Conflict and Emergence

Contributions to the decolonisation of education from the Native American, Afro-Portuguese and Romani experiences