This book analyzes the deep historical and theoretical roots of self-directed learning models in order to put forward a new conceptual understanding of self-directed learning.

It utilizes philosophical methods to present arguments, both historical and contemporary, in favor of shifting education toward self-directed models and away from a view of education that places teachers, administration, curriculum, and standards at the center of the learning endeavor. This book demonstrates that self-directed learning has proven to be effective in numerous contexts and builds on this history to present a new philosophy of education termed "Eudemonic Self-Directed Learning," for individual and societal flourishing.

Exploring exemplars from different cultural and historical settings to inform post-pandemic pedagogies and policies, this book will appeal to scholars and researchers of the history and philosophy of education, with interests in self-directed learning and its potential for contemporary practice.

part I|18 pages

Whose Education Is It Anyway?

chapter 21|16 pages

The Other Pandemic

Dependent Learners in the Age of Autonomy

part II|70 pages

A Brief History of Self-Directed Learning

chapter 2|4 pages

“All Men by Nature Desire to Know”

Aristotle's First Premise, Natural Curiosity, and the Rise of the Sophists

chapter 3|8 pages

Learning to Do, Learning to Learn

Apprenticeships and the Printing Press

chapter 4|10 pages

Rousseau, Pestalozzi, and Froebel

Nature, Freedom, and Play

chapter 5|8 pages

The Great Equalizer

Horace Mann, the Chautauqua Movement, and W.E.B. Du Bois

chapter 7|12 pages

Education as Revolutionary

Summerhill, Sudbury, Free Schools, and Citizenship Schools

chapter 8|7 pages

Illich and Holt

Deschooling, Homeschooling, and Unschooling

chapter 9|9 pages

The Field of Self-Directed Learning

part III|38 pages

Exploring Self-Directed Learning Environments

chapter 10|5 pages

Ready to Learn

The Skills of Self-Directed Learning

chapter 11|8 pages

Experience and Environment

The Role of School in Self-Directed Learning

chapter 12|7 pages

Where's the Teacher?

Guides, Facilitators, and the Role of Adults in Self-Directed Learning

chapter 13|9 pages

Equity, Freedom, and Responsibility

chapter 14|7 pages

“Staying Competitive”

Self-Directed Learning and Market Forces

part IV|28 pages

Eudaimonia and Democratic Schooling

chapter 15|4 pages

Learning as a Pursuit of Happiness

Education for Individual Flourishing

chapter 16|4 pages

Learning to Live Together

Self-Directed Learning and Social Responsibility

chapter 17|6 pages

Bringing It Together

Learning for the Self and the Other

chapter 18|10 pages

Eudemonic Self-Directed Learning

part V|11 pages

The Future of Education