This edited volume explores a variety of aspects of associative governance, providing detailed case studies of associations and associational governance in Scandinavia. Theoretically developing a concept and approach of associative governance, the book sheds light on a dynamic way of perceiving associative aspects of community and commercial life that has been hitherto underexplored and undertheorized. It shows how governance by associations may be conducted not only bottom‑up by self‑organized and voluntary participation, but also top‑down by authoritative incorporation through government, and – not least – in multifarious interstices in between.

By exploring a vibrant panoply of dimensions of associative governance, empirically grounded in historical analyses of a wide range of organizational repertoires, the book may provide novel insights into the significant role of associative governance in Scandinavia over the past two centuries. Finally, it provides research‑based knowledge about how to maintain “good political and economic institutions” in the future and a more holistic and dynamic approach to the literature on The Nordic model.

The book will be of key interest to scholars and students of Nordic and Scandinavian studies, history, sociology, political science, marketing, social policy, organization theory, and public management.

The Open Access version of this book, available at www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution‑Non Commercial‑No Derivatives (CC‑BY‑NC‑ND) 4.0 license.

chapter 1|20 pages


Scandinavian perspectives on associative governance
Size: 0.47 MB

part 1|130 pages

Associative roots

Size: 0.60 MB

chapter 3|33 pages

Governing morality

The role of intermediary elites in associative governance of religious revivals in Scandinavia
Size: 0.37 MB

chapter 4|30 pages

Governing labor

Transformations of collective bargaining in Denmark
Size: 0.52 MB

chapter 5|31 pages

Being strong together

Cooperative farmer organizing in Scandinavia
Size: 0.46 MB

part 2|140 pages

Transformative governance

chapter 6|37 pages

Governing people's homes

Organizing housing associatively in Scandinavia
Size: 0.58 MB

chapter 7|33 pages

Savings banks

From community-oriented associations to shareholder corporations
Size: 0.39 MB

chapter 8|32 pages

Governing economic life

Organizing large business corporations in Denmark
Size: 0.39 MB