Featuring the experiences of over 70 successful female leaders in international, public, and private schools around the world, Finding Your Path as a Woman in School Leadership brings together interconnected stories about the realities of being a woman in K–12 school leadership today. Women face distinct and unique challenges in pursuing a leadership pathway in schools; unfortunately, most of the obstacles facing women are hidden and only become visible when encountered on the journey to leadership. This book uncovers these invisible obstacles and shares the personal journeys of real women who have overcome them. Chapters feature powerful stories woven together to provide takeaway strategies and address common themes for women in leadership, including unconscious bias and daily microaggressions; physical, linguistic, and cultural expectations of leaders; perception (or reality) of lack of opportunities for women; impostor syndrome and double standards; and availability of mentorship and guidance. This impactful book provides actionable steps for both aspiring leaders and established leaders ready to support growing leaders in their school communities.

part I|70 pages

Seeing Yourself as a Leader

chapter 1|12 pages

The Path to Leadership

chapter 2|12 pages

Recognizing Your Potential to Lead

chapter 4|16 pages

Facing Impostor Syndrome

It Happens to Successful Leaders Too!

part II|57 pages

Facing the Realities of Leadership for Women

chapter 6|15 pages

Double Standards for Women Leaders

chapter 7|10 pages

The Old Boys' Club in School Leadership

The Elephant in the Room

part III|92 pages

Strategies and Skills for Success

chapter 10|13 pages

Seeing the Big Picture

chapter 13|13 pages

How Busy Leaders Prioritize and Find Focus

chapter 16|10 pages

Next Steps

Moving Toward Whole-School Change