Combining real examples with a roadmap of how to construct studies, analyze results, and share work, this book serves as a primary research methodology text for the field of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL).

The volume seeks to explore key aspects of SoTL that are often missing in past frameworks: research-based ontologies, epistemologies, and ethical axiologies. Chapters map out the expansive continuum of SoTL by detailing its history and key work while incorporating Indigenous perspectives on pedagogy and research methodologies. The text also features methods of qualitative and quantitative data generation essential for SoTL such as conducting interviews and focus groups, procuring data through questionnaires and artifact observation, and sharing results for dissemination in traditional and public scholarship.

A comprehensive guide for conducting SoTL research, this book illustrates a broad array of contexts and a spectrum of research methodologies to expand, enrich, and support both novice and experienced SoTL practitioners and researchers in answering the contexts and questions at the heart of teaching and learning.

part I|52 pages

Thinking About SoTL

chapter 1|11 pages

Understanding SoTL

chapter 2|21 pages

Developing SoTL Inquiries

chapter 3|18 pages

Thinking About SoTL Research Frameworks

part II|44 pages

Generating Data for SoTL

part III|96 pages

Analyzing SoTL Data

chapter 8|19 pages

Empirical Qualitative Approaches

chapter 9|11 pages

Mixed Methods Research Designs

chapter 10|21 pages

Interpretive Research

chapter 11|19 pages

Transformative Methodologies

part IV|51 pages

Disseminating SoTL

chapter 12|16 pages

Academic Genres

chapter 13|11 pages

Communicating Visually

Ideas and Data

chapter 14|11 pages

Amplifying Your Research

chapter |2 pages

Final Thoughts

chapter |9 pages
