In Lesbian Utopics, Annamarie Jagose surveys the construction of the lesbian and finds her in a cultural space that is both everywhere and, of all places, nowhere. The "lesbian", in other words, is symbolically central, yet culturally marginal.

chapter 1|24 pages

Lesbians are Elsewhere

chapter 2|17 pages

Remedy and Poison

Irigaray and the Lesbian Body

chapter 3|25 pages

Space, Skin, Spiral

The Aerial Letter and its Holographic Projection

chapter 4|28 pages

Playing with the Closet

Jeux d'occultation and Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons

chapter 5|40 pages

"The Heart of the Law"

Genre, Sexual Exchange and the Proper Name in Working Hot

chapter 6|21 pages

Slash and Suture

The Border's Figuration of Colonialism, Homophobia, and Phallocentrism in Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza

chapter 7|5 pages

Cindy Crawford Concludes