First published in 1993. The focus of this study is a set of related problems in the phonology of Passamaquoddy involving stress assignment and syncope. Both of these processes make a distinction between stressable and unstressable vowels.

chapter 2|1 pages

Overview of Morphology

chapter |1 pages

Grammatical gender

chapter |32 pages

Gender selection

chapter |29 pages

length in Maliseet

chapter 4|9 pages

Stress Assignment

chapter |3 pages


chapter |6 pages

/a/ of the reflexive suffix / -asi-/ in (26b) is basically unstressable: compare kdl-so

/hm/, /hn/, or /hy /, which are all quite rare. (These /hl/ are the only combinations of

chapter 5|3 pages

Syncope of jaj

chapter |5 pages

Arguments for deletion

chapter |12 pages

te wt-ataH-na-n.

chapter |2 pages

jppj in the latter. (Since any non-syllabic is long as the first member

c v c I I I I I I I I I I I I I ihsa

chapter |1 pages


chapter |11 pages

jaj but not

If apparent exceptions to one rule are also apparent exceptions to the other, within /a/. We would then appear to have justification for postulating abstract

chapter |1 pages

/ns/ is due to its

chapter |3 pages

/ns/ cannot be attributed

Phonetics of the first person prefix

chapter |20 pages

jwa/ is replaced

chapter |9 pages

Underlying and derived clusters

chapter |11 pages

/h/, and

Deletion /hV / apparently arises only in about a dozen /hV / are illustrated in

chapter |5 pages

/pet-/ for /pat-/ in (243b), pet-ham-an 'when I hooked it.'

/t/ /pet-/ /h/ /h/ and /m/ is now associated with a V-slot. c v c v I I I I I I I I pethaman c v c c v c v c

chapter |6 pages


chapter |1 pages

/c/ as a sequence on

I I I I I I /c/ is not phonetically identical with t. It is, instead,

chapter |47 pages

jcj, fa/ is not flanked by identical

s a s /t/ /c/ s a t s i h t e

chapter |6 pages

< jkas-ihkat-w /)

< /sehs-ihpayi-w /)

chapter |9 pages

< /nis-ek-ahte-w /)

chapter |11 pages

Extending the CV theory of syncope

/a ... ... i/. Again the prediction is wrong: fa/ of pakahk&n is inherently stress- /a/ would apparently occur

chapter |7 pages

/i/, /a/, and

I I I I I I I I I c v c c v c I I I I I I I I I

chapter |12 pages

Syncope and palatalization

/if. A third rule changes /if. Root-final /i/ remains unstressable and undergoes syncope, a preceding /i/ regularly appears when an underlying sequence of two segments

chapter |2 pages

Notes to Chapter 6

/sC/. Thus cases of this type provide clear evidence against an analysis like It has been suggested that PEA made a distinction between

chapter 7|4 pages

Epenthesis on the Segmental Tier

chapter |13 pages

/, then the a of

I I I I I k i 1 k p a n c v c c v c I I I I I I I I I c v c C+V c v c

chapter |1 pages

Glide insertion within stems

/y / with the preceding morpheme within

chapter |2 pages

pet-ote (arrive-

chapter |8 pages

/-an/ 2 and / -akw /

chapter |5 pages

/i/. The fact that there are no surface alternations which call for a rule changing

/e/. /e/ at the same time as the associated V-slot is deleted. I will not attempt If the view of E-Mutation for which I will argue correct, then floating /i/ as

chapter |4 pages

of Glide Insertion


chapter |2 pages

It is the possibility of syllable-final clusters of

/hk/ in this representation to be syllabified here, so that

chapter |2 pages

Notes to Chapter 8

< jtohpi/). Note also wikawam-i apasiy-ahkwi-hko-k (house-PN /w/ of the suffix contracts with a following jaj to /o/. Before II verbs only in certain negative

chapter 9|2 pages

Initial Change

chapter |1 pages

on fa/

chapter |3 pages

fa/ which follows such clusters. For example, the reanaly-

I I I /a/, stressable or unstressable, with a stressable /e/, provided that it follows at most one non-syllabic segment at the beginning of the

chapter |13 pages

The role of stressability

chapter 1003|8 pages

Word-final abstract vowels 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000

were/ -n V /, where V is some vowel. This I I I I I I I I I I I