This is a curriculum guide that gives trainee teachers the opportunity to follow a tried and tested primary mathematics curriculum course. The text is easy to follow, up-to-date with good current practice and utilizes materials produced by the DfEE for teachers. It includes interactive tasks to enhance understanding, tasks to consolidate learning at the reader's own level and pace, a full bibliography for further reading, common misconceptions which the reader will find in children's work, and a detailed look at the National Numeracy Strategy (NNS) and the mathematics National Curriculum. The text will provide a firm foundation for teaching mathematics to primary school children and give the reader genuine confidence in their teaching. The text has been piloted by students following a distance learning primary PGCE and revised in line with their comments. The intention of the book is to provide secure subject knowledge for mathematics alongside an understanding of the ways in which children learn mathematics.

chapter 1|7 pages

Introducting the book's objectives

chapter 2|2 pages

The National Curriculum for mathematics

chapter 3|14 pages

The National Numeracy Framework

chapter 4|20 pages


Number and algebra

chapter 5|9 pages


Shape, space and measures

chapter 6|9 pages


Handling data

chapter 7|8 pages

Using and applying mathematics

chapter 9|6 pages

ICT and mathematics