The goal of this volume is to explore the social and political dynamics of rumor and the related concept of urban or contemporary legend. These forms of communication often appear in tandem with social problems, including riots, racial or political violence, and social and economic upheavals. The volume emphasizes the connection of rumor to a set of social concerns from government corruption and corporate scandal, to racial, religious, and other prejudices. Central to the dialogue are issues of truth, belief, history, public policy, and evidence.Rumor has been recognized as one of the most important contributing factors to violence and discrimination. Yet, despite its significance in exacerbating social discord and mistrust, little systematic scholarly attention has been paid to the political origins and consequences of rumor. Rumor is defined as a proposition for belief that is not backed by secure standards of evidence. Rumor can be traditional or not, and can be expressed as a simple claim of fact. In both instances groups of claim-makers, operating out of their own interests and with a set of resources, attempt to depict reality, and if possible, impact the future.The need for this book is underscored by changing patterns of technology. What in the past was grounded in face- to-face interaction is now often found on the Internet, which is a major source of rumor. An appreciation of how new electronic forms of communication affect communal belief is essential for explicating rumor dynamics. The volume is comprehensive. Essays cover race and ethnicity, migration and globalization, corporate malfeasance, and state and government corruption. While editors and contributors well appreciate the dynamic nature of rumors and legends, the high quality of the effort make it evident that the issues that are raised and reoccur will serve to channel and inspire research in this major field of communications research for years to come.

chapter |8 pages


Rumor Matters: An Introductory Essay

part I|70 pages

The Social Production of Conflict and Prejudice

chapter |4 pages


chapter 1|16 pages

Dramatic Rumors and Truthful Appearances

The Medieval Myth of Ritual Murder by Proxy

chapter 2|22 pages

Rumors in Times of War and Cataclysm

A Historical Perspective

chapter 3|8 pages

Rumors and Religious Riots

chapter 4|18 pages

Mafia in Meran?

Rumors and Legends Surrounding the “Leather Connection”: A Case Study

part II|88 pages

The Spread of Rumors

chapter |6 pages


chapter 6|20 pages

From Evil Others to Evil Elites

A Dominant Pattern in Conspiracy Theories Today

chapter 7|18 pages


Humor as an Integral Part of the Contemporary Legend Process

chapter 8|18 pages

How Rumor Begets Rumor

Collective Memory, Ethnic Conflict, and Reproductive Rumors in Cameroon

part III|97 pages

The Creation of Plausibility

chapter |4 pages


chapter 11|18 pages

Celebrating Arabs and Grateful Terrorists

Rumor and the Politics of Plausibility

chapter 12|16 pages

Beyond Rumor and Legend

Some Aspects of Academic Communication

chapter 13|18 pages

Negatory Rumors

From the Denial of Reality to Conspiracy Theory

chapter 14|14 pages

Social Construction and Social Consequences

Rumors and Evidence