French for Engineering prepares students to study and intern in France as engineers.

Aimed at students at the CEFR B1 or ACTFL Intermediate-High level, the textbook uses a step-by-step progression of language-learning tasks and activities to develop students’ skills at the CEFR C1 or ACTFL Advanced-High level. Authentic documents present students with tasks they will encounter as engineering students or interns in France.

Online resources include a teacher handbook and a workbook with vocabulary-building activities, grammar-mastery exercises, and listening and reading comprehension activities, followed by questions requiring critical thinking. It is organized in parallel with the textbook based on the flipped-classroom concept.

chapter 1|15 pages

La préparation académique

chapter 2|11 pages

Connaître des entreprises en France

chapter 3|10 pages

À la recherche d’un stage

chapter 7|16 pages

Mener des expériences

chapter 8|12 pages

Dépanner le client

chapter 9|12 pages

Participer à une réunion technique