As writers strongly committed to the Reformation, Anne Lock Prowse and Elizabeth Russell translated works which they believed were doctrinally useful for their Protestant readers. Lock translated Calvin’s four sermons from French, dedicating the work to Katharine, Duchess of Suffolk. These were published with the appended sonnet sequence A meditation of a penitent sinner. This appears to be the first sonnet sequence written in English. The present edition is a facsimile of the Folger Shakespeare Library copy of 1560. Of the markes of the children of God, and of their comforts in afflictions was published in 1590. Lock’s translation of Jean (or John) Taffin’s French treatise proved very popular as there were seven subsequent editions. The appended poem The necessitie and benefite of Affliction may reasonably be attributed to Prowse; it is written in common meter with alternating rhymes and continues the themes of the prose treatise. The present edition is a facsimile of the Huntington Library copy, which is an excellent copy. Elizabeth Cooke Hoby Russell was the sister of Anne Cooke Bacon. Her translation of Bishop John Ponet’s work from Latin was dedicated to her daughter Anne Herbert and in her dedication she suggests that the work was published in 1605, long after it was written, to prevent alterations to the text after her death. This edition is reproduced here from the one extant copy held at the Folger Library.

chapter |3 pages


fOHJ\CCAL~ YIN, YPON THE that Ezechias made a_f ter be had beneJ icke, and tbe band· God,

chapter |1 pages

fortuneJtrJteltie , hoJye , eut : ; _

chapter |2 pages


chapter |1 pages

leut tfJeonr(y th4t

put into all medititZcs lnttye {erue for a tourmtnttd foult , that is foy,the determined of almyghtit and dif}o{eth all th.J•ngtl. the heft to them th4t trufle in him? : . This Phyfick.! refteth one!J trewt the n:oflc 4nd mu{y per[efland medicine. · .· . But in cafe thttt

chapter |1 pages

'«ff1i£1cJ kJ:ndled ttnd brook! it,or hu oppreffid appetite be;·ng with grojfe faithfi}Je ··and papi- taft ofi t.TYo u(Jf ay)to them.for theyr difeafe is

rvith that daugerous diflttfe oft ht fo {jng of Gods wrath ttgainfl him, bath not the cOferue ofbelefe of Gods p,.ouidece re- mainyng tvith him, or bryng miniflred to him. tither for fehlenef!e offlomttck_caH not receiue

chapter |1 pages

THE E l ' I t ! ' . · · t _ i n !

chapter |1 pages

if' t-Il!

E P t tetttght him to feel{! he 41th ifi{y tb:i in the determined purpoft ofGoJ, that hath fent his orvn fonne for redeptio, f}oiled ofa ll heneftt ofr edemption. He feleth at all to late horve foultt

chapter |1 pages

Ef t mofletttu !

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

THE tP 1 fofltin

chapter |1 pages

r ; itlJthe [ t . . , ete promyjes Goat

chapter |2 pages


chapter 1|2 pages

-' h e nrft : ( ertnon . . . r : J

chapter |1 pages

nrtl :

chapter |2 pages


chapter |2 pages


chapter |1 pages

firfl : { ermoii .

chapter |1 pages

mt tbe l»erc not ht

tbat not alilJqr afptrc bnto tl)e l]tautlp ltft,but tl}at it .i»M " Cl)iefebefirc to atteine tl)ermnto.. · . Jaow let b.f rrtourne to tl)e king eJtcbfa.l. amclube tf)at l)c l}ab fpectall tsfotnttimeJ in fud)e nnguptl)es tl]at t,e · f[Jm.3o. ltbgt t!)ee tn 'Dtatl)tSnn wl)en)! fbnlbc bau•:·wl)e ant me into afi)tS, wl}at Llltg.s that J)cmabt tl)tr£ br.s t"nt l)e tn IJiSbepaTtpng, bnt tf)!lt t,e felt lp tnto tf)e f)annt.a ofu'Sob. J»owt romt it tl)ttl to .afTe t})at tlJU.a't] t btcaufe l)e coed:: ue' of men m tn anp ot}Jer atflictton,nnn t}Jat afmuc!J fpmp!t btact}, but f gaut ftgnc lt)at t,e puniO}tb bicaure of ft ti)ts fame btfputatt6 ufiDatdtt,it rl)albe tafp \la to c:odub toud.>in; e}ed)ta§y l)cll.lnSalfo bcy;s tn neat!) ,but tiJat was not l)c mass

chapter |2 pages

fir11 : fcrmon •

chapter |2 pages

. firfl :

chapter |2 pages

fermo . n ;

chapter |1 pages

The firfr fcrmon •

chapter |2 pages

The fir ! l : fcnnon

chapter |1 pages

·The firfi fcrmon

cutofnU tl)ittgeD'.nnb .fa!t no no fiJall] mancr bea: fte.tt.Jautnom J ntare ozawm out of the

chapter |1 pages

The firfl : fermon

chapter |1 pages

The firfl : ( crmo

chapter |1 pages

The firfr fertnon

chapter |1 pages

The fir ! l : fcrmon ;

chapter |2 pages

THEs ' ECONDE . fcrmon .

chapter |1 pages

The fecondefenno1 ! . . . 7

chapter |1 pages

18The rccondc fcnnon .

chapter |1 pages

T ' h e ( econdefermon .

chapter |1 pages

The fcconde fcnnon .

chapter |2 pages

The(econdc fermon.

· :Wl}trin bt tf)nt anguHbdJdbt l)fm fn to l)p• prlffpon.a. '}fa crpt ann tammt,anD maltt llrdare tupll, it is tl)m to bt fapbe tl)at Ul

chapter |1 pages

The fcconc!c: fermon.

l)owe coufl) &>ttfottrme tl}at:'tl)an mua: be nenr• aa a U?ata tl)at iS out fpilt. nowci»l)att.G tbecaufe tbnt l)ccoaln nuuur of complaint to n:p:dft!)ts gracfc., ptt coulb l)e nmer k epc fdmce. ~ e alfo i»lJp 1)3

chapter |2 pages

·;4 . The fcco'nclc fcrmori

lit al'inap in angui(b. 3nb notabit al tl)d' m htng J! m ttttn tt)nt 45ob bot not ~me ml elpkt wttt) fud)c: tJ;trmdtic:fo) ifl)c q:erdfc: bS tt to mnure fud}e ar, fualte.s. c fparttb bs tl)i:but tt !ball pltafe munc nomtne. f€l)tsttts tl)m tbat we to btare a'iuap. jfloi» to tl)c rdt:ltt tern e rol)tlt tn a! tt)e con!tnntie nf mrn."£1)tp O,nvc fome tolttn of bnltantnts U,l)m not tl,tfu agatnft tttttt, lmtfc

chapter |1 pages

feconde rermon

chapter |1 pages

The fecondcfermon , .

chapter |1 pages

The fcconde fcrmor..

bt fud;e a ont,tt frntrt1} ton !ton: ZSuttl:)e goon kmgt meant net agatnlt <5cn:but l)att, bt:: • me was, • tb«t wt ll)oultl baue fuel) tntl'ructton d)tttbp eJr"'tasbatt) not

chapter |1 pages

The fcconde fcrmon . 3 9

chapter |1 pages

fccon . dcfcrmoh .

chapter |1 pages

The fcc fcrmon .

chapter 4|1 pages

1 . The fccondefermon .

chapter |2 pages

The fecondc fermon. 4J

bt iDoulD glablp baur bonr,. 3nb we rce manpc . brdaration of tl)e cl)afltranmtess fmt to JOautb l)tfJ Otf)et uaunte.o lt>l)nt !)at!} O,arplp aftltc tbe tttcantng of (lE;td)tats. )I fap:' itt.e fapb antt !)emro b"nt it • lt)t lnmtntcb not tl)rp founbc r.o fuci,t pcoplt il>l'lt crpe alai, tl)nr bnntO,t aroapt on tl}e ar;.e. €ontrnti'Wpft cf Jtct)iOS fbtwttl) crt d)at tf

chapter |1 pages

The feconde (ermon.

€ ott,ro tl]at lt't fba!t bane a d,ca. Difputactcns,pet we n,au not Itt to tt)at ouucomc all mana of lctttJI mtbougl) rtpulfr me , tl)oug\J it appearc tbat

chapter |2 pages

The recoodc fcru1on

chapter |1 pages

. mon.

· h4th 4/fo it.! uyll1v4lf<! lettforfy all dayn o[n:y {yfi iit the ofmy Joule. Lor4.e,"to .:lttho{e tbatJbaU hrrtafter;the life ofm y j}iritt foaU he no- tttble amoffg tbat thou haft cafl

chapter |3 pages

The fermorr .

chapter |1 pages

· The rhyrdc fermon • .

chapter |1 pages

The thyrdcfermon .

chapter |1 pages

The th)·rdc fcrn1on.

ancD.'l,o tl)us 3tC:l)tu all confufell • l)tmtuiraculouap,ruen as nownc frotn l)eautn to fucct)tsr fting tl,at btfconfiturc gnat rol)itl)e mal ,rnopftb, anb not

chapter |1 pages

The fcrmon .

chapter |1 pages

. Therhyrdc · · ·

chapter |1 pages

The thyn1e fcrmon.

ttJcmrth bnto bG we tmto m hfc.birou.crut take to be but an Olbrr of nalurt. tt that tf)c bt fparttb the we otig})t to felt fatf)trlyt gootmtJS, but tl'f

chapter |1 pages

The fermon .

chapter |1 pages

. Thethyrdcfcrmon .

chapter |1 pages

60The thyrdcfermon .

chapter |1 pages

Thethyrde fermon .

chapter |1 pages

The thyrdc fer!non.

ti)tir finnts, anb tarrp not ttU on bnto it,but tl)ep P1tftnt fduts bnto an fdue.o as tf1tp nel)e

chapter |1 pages

The thyrde lermon• tfJ

ltalltt!J bJJ ~lc to h~. b8,t!Jat f!)e map not onlp knowc tl)at tt (uutd) wocdfc bpon b" , ann auufrtJJ t.• of

chapter |1 pages

wtlitageoftllfcrcttonfi ) all

chapter |1 pages

The thy fcrmon.

ofmcn,to bnto o not m l}ia mpnnc. tl]c ougf)t fuc to tatte

chapter |1 pages

Therhyrdc fcnnorf .

chapter |1 pages

The rhyrdc fcrmon.

wen to fpof:t IJpttt ofhii1 nature: e treatcb mcntiJu of. y «tone notonclp to parbon fnttlt as pa:: meant tofi:lp,\lfing mancr of finntll bacth . ;f.,l.,

chapter |1 pages

The rhyrdc fennon.

true it t}Jat monp tpmcs

chapter |1 pages

The thyrdc fcrmon.

that our fin::

chapter |1 pages

The thirde

i»c !tum tume Ut o mt map bt tmtation.a,tl;at acucr finkt ooi»ne bntu tt,e burom,

chapter |1 pages

THE t : o

chapter |1 pages

The thfcrmon .

chapter |1 pages

The th frnnon

chapter |1 pages

The thfcrmon .

chapter |1 pages

The fourth fennon •

rut offrottt 4rf)utd:Jt of mrnt wag comt to be tf l)ab bene

chapter |1 pages

The fourth fermon. 6t

lmt tbofei:o1Jict]eare as it were cut of from -son, ann are confounncn i»itb roratl}, tall not is goo anp mancr of ronp, art mane eilmngen frpm of

chapter |1 pages

The thfermon . 1 .

chapter |1 pages

s4 · The fourth 1crm6ri.

a lpke fentcncc. it not one man tl)at wi}ole boop oftbt !pur(fap )bnto

chapter |1 pages

The th ! ermori . 6

chapter |1 pages

6 5Thefourth fermon +

chapter |1 pages

. Thefourthfermon .

chapter |1 pages

The thfcnnon .

chapter |1 pages

The fou.rth fcrmon. 6 9

btt, anb rrceautb »e frdp come \mto antJ ncnn be l}Un. )!fwel)auenot fbcl)e an tnttmmon' mtcanne:s. ner one uf p)apfes a!f be ougfjte. it iS to be crpplpen. , tl)at fatf)tt

chapter |1 pages

The fourth [ennon.

i»bm l)c fptnketl) l)ofue fntlltt4 ftlucli to warne we to }latl)cr in gcncr all( as t)atl) bene )y lt in not pnougt) y_iuc tl)at be nunng hfc,but roe ougl]t pure tl)at tl)at ini)tn magni::

chapter |1 pages

fotirfh fermon. 71

tbm better to d)arge,tf)at tl)rp mnct,

chapter |1 pages

The foitrth fermon

nom 'Jut tf}at l}c it wl)om we bnro. · it tl)at t5ob fuffrctl) to bre au tl)e

chapter |1 pages

The fourth ferman·. 7 3

rnnt tl)tm felfcs-bp tl)at mtrct',J tl)at t!Jtr ougbt about all tf)ingcs to e onlp goon.: nes of <5ob to rea in tl)e fame. !\'O tiJtn a of great boctrtne, if me eli l)aue repetttl] agapnt faping ttJat lJt fpake is, tl)at wtU make to acknoivlebgement tl}crof , tl]at t,c JllJaue fato

chapter 7|1 pages

4 - The thfcrm . o n

chapter |1 pages

The thfermon .

chapter |1 pages

Thefourth Ccrmon .

chapter |2 pages

The th fermon • 7 7

chapter |4 pages

The fourth fermon.

r ant tl)at to bu mbtme mnp bt fultl'Cfatdit t!}isbopngiue lbRll fdc tf}attf}tsilJ

chapter |1 pages

preface , exprctftng dmin

chapter |1 pages

The Prefaee.

J! founb fi)Jtkfn!fcrpct ivbtte eucn ttfpdr rutl}tfull

chapter |1 pages

The Preface .

chapter |1 pages

meditation al inncr ~ . A

chapter |1 pages

· Ameditation a! inner

chapter |1 pages

· vponthe . l i . Pfalme . '

chapter |1 pages

Am editation af inner

chapter |1 pages

vpo ' n

chapter |1 pages

A medttation ofa !inner

Jin petsnouttt) tnercp,anb to to tl}rc. metf)efptrite of tl)p grace. to 15ut rrnbrt mp wontcb topes againe, 3rc from mt,an'O J rnbure blifo e me of grace tl)c of tl)p ll'it!J thy mp topc£t,anb nmtte me againe j}irit fiuctt ton. J' 1\tl}at J mnp l)opc l not au tn bnpne

chapter |1 pages

vponthe . l i . ' P f : ' llme . . . .

chapter |1 pages

A don ofa Goner

{itf:,T -"'I cattdl Oapnt anb burnt facrtb ·thou not in n nltars fauom: afcrnb, . friwges. !lpprafctl) tl}cc,anb mahtt!J at . ll'ttb fuxfull man,anb l)atl} npairb our fall. ts eutt ,tin ft'lf, )I otrn to God fiapue beltgl)t£S, mp Opttlg l}att to b d a ttoblc:b rwttt l)onc. t14 tro k · lthc l)tm to be, J n wl)omc tafUtiTt mltb hngrtng paine tlf dltli atb ft'blttJ ftarucb appetite,

chapter |2 pages

OF . . The marlqes of the chit

and.oftbcir of t/;c ' Printed hy T /;omas

chapter |1 pages


chapter |7 pages

know, exp.eriencc forpctimcs

chapter |2 pages

the faithjuD

chapter |2 pages

ofLowCouhtric :

chapter |2 pages

The matters that arc handled

chapter |26 pages

markes the

chapter |23 pages

?f cha.ritic,. thiti--

chapter |92 pages

. . . .

chapter |11 pages

Oft he of the chit.

· • · · his

chapter |68 pages

' 77

chapter III|6 pages


chapter |31 pages

u . f

chapter |2 pages

TheifileMdJe · ahnueffi

chapter |2 pages


chapter |2 pages

u t - . u r

chapter |4 pages

. . .

chapter 6|2 pages


oft wo

chapter 8|1 pages

econct ,.tatton

u thew

chapter |2 pages

touchinu.the:Lordt Stt · er. · ·

chapter |1 pages

of' the faithfulLthe .members'

chapter |1 pages

-; ) [

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages


ofC doeth change . 'I do rccciuc the bodic of it not which nature hath

chapter |2 pages


chapter |1 pages

Thebread · ' ahti :

chapter |2 pages


chapter |5 pages

more d1uiiie w;J:j

chapter |3 pages


bea greatma,ttcr; which

chapter |1 pages


chapter |4 pages

er.-. ·z

chapter |1 pages

o f .

chapter |2 pages

; nti ;

chapter |3 pages


We by ririe of this great a man,

chapter |5 pages


chapter |1 pages

waxoL ' R . , econciltation

chapter |1 pages


a vvay ro tltc cmmfdl of mans

chapter |1 pages

econci liation

chapter |1 pages

the Lordm:him .:for

. Chrifl:

chapter |1 pages

Andagainc , Vnle . ffoyuattthefl ( P J

chapter |1 pages

' , theflXt . ·_ : .: ,

wroughtit by which bee

chapter |5 pages

50o [ ' l ( econciliation '

chapter |2 pages


chapter |1 pages

, " h i ; faith ; ; -

chapter |1 pages

Not corporally;

chapter 6|1 pages

· ruf

chapter |1 pages

of the .V jrgin Maries body, able tobe

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

e r .

chapter |1 pages

of In the altho.uglt many·

chapter |1 pages

touchiiiO " -: theLordsSu

chapter |1 pages

econciliatidn ' i

chapter |1 pages


chapter |1 pages

< : · , : rioted the

chapter |1 pages

iU when

,The lords to morr9w ,or

chapter |5 pages

econciliitiion :

chapter |1 pages

touchina Lords

chapter |1 pages


of our hauc

chapter |2 pages

: j > } . , .

chapter |7 pages

> -_ .

chapter |1 pages

ecintcilitition :

chapter |2 pages

. . . . o { tpiip

chapter |1 pages

and ,itid1

chapter |3 pages

of fpeech lcffe famous in life then

chapter |2 pages

· · · ·

chapter |1 pages

of carechir-

chapter |4 pages


chapter |3 pages

h i ; , ,

chapter |2 pages

" , " " "

chapter |1 pages


chapter |5 pages

· ihty :may /kboue