Early modern works of advice can be typified by a number of texts by Erasmus falling into a variety of categories: advice on family conduct; manners; study plans and piety. A close relation to these works of advice was the parental advice book, usually written by a father to his son. It was not until the early 17th century that the mother's advice book evolved and even then these were often legitimated by the female authors claiming that sickness, or even impending death, made relaying their motherly advice by a means other than print impossible. The contents of the present volume, ordered chronologically by the date of the first edition of each advice book, are limited to works attributed to named mothers, even though information about these historical women is not always abundant. Miscellanea was the attempt of Elizabeth Grymeston to distill advice to her only surviving. It was first published in 1604. The text reproduced here is the 1608 edition which was the first to include the additional substantive Prayers. Even though listings indicate there were 19 editions of The Mother’s Blessing before 1640 very little is known of Dorothy Leigh. The first edition (1616), reproduced here, describes her as a gentle-woman, not long deceased and her dedicatory epistle to her three sons identifies her as a widow. Elizabeth Clinton wrote her advice book when she had become countess-dowager. It was dedicated to her daughter-in-law and addresses an area where she had apparently been deficient - the imperative directed at early modern women by domestic conduct books that mothers should nurse their own children. The edition reproduced here is the British Library copy. Elizabeth Brook Joceline composed her Legacy whilst awaiting the birth of her first child, having become convinced that she would die in childbirth. She died in 1622, nine days after the birth of a daughter. Possibly the most poignant of the mother's advice books, this was intended to stand in for her instructi

chapter |3 pages


chapter |49 pages


chapter |91 pages

------- ------

chapter |3 pages


fonnes, GE LEI GH

chapter |42 pages

,Tht Mothtrl

chapter |100 pages

s" Thr

chapter |31 pages


chapter 18|7 pages


chapter |8 pages


"j flut nont

chapter |81 pages

J,S Th,M,th,,,

. Cbri!l"" urJ,

chapter |2 pages



chapter |4 pages


B GEl' o IN CO exprdling R the better exprdling mClllorie'in y keeping in mClllorie'in y Loue, and your your I doe offer vnco your L of mine that firll worke of mine that Print; becaufe evcr came in Print; becaufe

chapter |3 pages

Thefirll: point caGly performed.For it

fhould nurletheirowncchildren, & bring his ordinancethey are bound [0 it in confcicllce. This lhould nop mouthcs of rcplycrs, for God mon thcrefore mullneeds know what is 6teell: and bell for vs co doe: nle to proue [hat oft hcirown chi! dren

chapter |1 pages

not finne in fiaying withit at homefrom the nowwomcn,e[pecially

yearely facrifice: dmy acce}?cable co 3ccept:lble co fuckling of owne d1ildren to bee their .duty,linceeuery godly matrone hach walked in thefe fieps before thein: Eut the mother. the liwng; S"r"b the mother ofa l the faith full; 8znnah fo .grarioufly htard ofGod; Alary

chapter |1 pages

proofe ofthis ofhce,and

word fiorn plaine Prectpts. Firn from that youngerwomento marry,and to 8t4re children)that is, not only to13tanthemin thewombe, and to bringthe . fonh;but alfo to 13tart thern on their knee, in thcir arrnes,and at their breall:s: for this 13t4

chapter |1 pages

thefueklingofherowneehilde cheparc ofa mother ofa n honen mother, ofa iutt

true mother,of a fyneere mother,ofa mother wor_ ofloue , of a mocher dderuing good re· port,of a vcrtuous mother, ning prai{c for it? All this is alfented co a (Prtct pt,as for othcr dutics,fo for Tb;, mochers to their children;which faith, wQat- (oeucr things are rruc, whatfoeuer hondl,whatfoeucr things are iuli, whaifoe- uer things are pure, whatfoeuer things be wor·

chapter |1 pages

dry brcar1:s , then.fore it is tobe

red,cllen from to depriue ehern ofmeanes to doe it, punilhmcnt I a to this that God worketh which pronethaI(o wieh: but onely ie is raid iflhe were co be pictied, tharfor nature to her child}fhe nluil be vnnarurall to ifa ny ehen being euen at liber- tr,andin deny co

chapter |1 pages

Now anolher of God prouing tllis

poim is thc 1vorkt 0/ l,il praulfiall, for euery kinde to bc apr,:md able to nourilh their own (ruit: there is no beaH: that feeds their young milke,but ehe Lord) euen from ehe firil ground of tbc order ofnature; GYowe,and mu(. C milke:

chapter |1 pages

of our' hath done euer

childrens- birrh , hee finceit faid ro vs"a lfo, JrCleaft, 1ft« mn/ti· [hat this \vorke of his ihew· eth [hat hee riech vs likewjfe ro l10urilh rhe "c hildren of our owne wombc, wich our Ohimpiow, and impudcnt vnthaDkfulnetfe; vnaaruralneffe , both to meir

chapter |1 pages

fruit borne [0 ne2re'their

Jnd fed in owr.e And this vnthankfulneffe, :tnd vnnatural- cept fome nice and prowd idle dames , who will imitate [heir betters, eil! they make their poore husbands thls is one hurt which the better ranke doe by their ill e:tarn.

chapter |1 pages

of vnto men ofa rt,3nd learning:only I fpeake ofm y fexe, co n·

offo much as 1 reade, and know in my ownc experienee, wh ieh-if any ditiondo reeeaue good by,l am glad:lfrhey {eorne ir, chey {hall the rcward offcor- ners.l write in moddl:ie,and can reaDe no di[..

chapter |1 pages

ddighted)and riourißted her vp. For of thefe the name of a nourfe is

to any one fidy whence a good wife. is callcd her husbands llour{e; and mac 1{eb«k.4hs nourfe was onl ward fhe is not named a nourft)but am.idt,fay Thcn fJ(ebtcAllbroCe,andhcrmaides; now

chapter |2 pages

and moLl: likely are chey [0 to doe; becaufe of

keeping Gods O,Jinanct, they are {ure and it hach beene obferued in fome did venter co to childrcn; and ifthey faythey could notchule,andthac they thou<7ht not that ma11'iage. would im. paire thcir I anlwere,that forthe farne rcafons they· thould fet themfelues to nurte bccaufe' they fhould no cliufe but doe what God would haue· them

chapter |1 pages

in my pard] 1 of41rrttld

I did, whe was too lace in hart for my vndurifullneife, chis loue to thern, when they lhould my breaß:s,& haue beene nourilhed in mine ownebofor frqft\ Gning in the kindc,againflout'mbit touing1and gra. rious God. add vnto my perfor med promife,this thort "exhortation: namdy. I befeech all godly wornen to rem't:mber,how we ones inftruCl ehe loue, their children, now lone thern fo as co da thiH:>fflte to them whcn

chapter |1 pages

pray·.youto .{ctno. morcfo.1ight

the 'holy,SeiFit ranketh withochcrexcdlent bleffings; feete a dufter'of grapes, in which a litclewine fouod; men how vruawfull is it to dcllroye haue they may. be .letteq du. daiy,by by I lpoakc not to 'thefe: I yau cannot iuftlyaUeagc a.ny of

chapter |1 pages

better then your fdues,wham GoJ, andllature grieuous clpe-ricnce, fuchlilfembling in nurfes , precend_ ingfufficiency of milkc, when indeed chey

todoc ic.l haue faund by had c()() much Jcarcitie; precenJing willing- neffc,t{)wardndfeJwakefUlndfe, when indeed they wilfiill, moß: and moß:floehfull,3s I feare ehc death ofo ne or two ofm y liede Babes came by me defalr

chapter |1 pages

the care to hire ethers 'ra d'ee

reur hec not fo co thruft away [hat di[order of cautIitg a 'forrhe entercai-

chapter |1 pages

;' {ecke [0 pk'J(e

him;account it no trouble, or raine, ro an1 thing that hath promife (irigfand then you wrll , no daubt) doe your chi!. fud\· rdufe to doc confult not with ctin'Ceir aduife'l1ot with Ratterers: but askc counfdl offyocere, and f.1ithfull. Preachers.lfyou be ehen uke with 'you, ro. .rnake YOll doe it cheerefuI1y. grace gcodndfe, thereby, {o lhall reape plea1ure,andproJic. Againe, you mayconfi ehild at breafi:,

chapter |9 pages

your heart to pray

for a vpon that worke; and to giue thanks for your child,and for ability & free- would haue done and could not; who haue tried vcntured rheir certaine!J great caufe to be thankfull:and I mll,h deure that God.may lüue glory and pl'3ife foe eUtry good worke, and you much doe [ecke to God in ."Imtn.

chapter |1 pages

Thc Approbation. of aJienating tbern, bring

thing. The raron is, for thac corruptible riches,euen to thofe who haue capacity only a ciuill proprieey-s but

chapter |1 pages


too many parents bcnd whoHy vpon earth- inhcritance,by her death hath vnto T efiamcnt that life and rcmaincd thcbtber validity priuiledgeofaTelamec, that it be cnaCled in per.pc:- tuall aDd.inuioJabJe Which in·cbi, nece1fa-

chapter |1 pages

The .Approbation.

daimecheir portion in this Legacy, Jett in pilJ whcreout, whofoeuer ta- keth, yet leaueth no whit thc leire for othcrs in re-

chapter |1 pages


no.ilranger edaczrion and eminent ver- tt:es. p:uenc.lge: She being thc onely off-fpring- from a reuercnd Grand-: father, D<Xtor ChlltÜrt'fI,: a fi1me-

chapter |1 pages

Thc Approbation.

chapter |1 pages

Tbe Approbt1tion. ltarnta, appeareth,

otherwife thofe that In her profecution of,he duty raren" 1 view the deep: i."prdliö, longfin=e,wben

chapter |1 pages

The Approbtltion.

reue[cnd Grandfathcr. In the whoJe cour(C of her pen,.l ob fenlc her piec)' .and humility : rhde her lines fcarce ihewing

chapter |2 pages

The Ap prouation. of fix

hcr the fplce :ye;!resarid 'a h3lfe,being hat while botb an impar- , and an happy plrtner

chapter |2 pages

The Approbtttion. words}writeit in her

Cbambcr. ther fiudies than Diuinity, whereof fome imperfecr remaine, out princi- pally this fmall· Trcatife

chapter |1 pages

The Approhation.

cordingly whc Ihe firfi quicke with childe tr.ütelling with death it felfe) fhe fccredy order t ,td.Andabout ,hat time, vndauntedJy looking death the face, pritutly in her Clokt betweene God an·d

chapter |1 pages

A pprobl1tiDn.

CambridgcChire thee was made a mother ofa daugh- ter whom fhortly afc:r, being & brought

chapter |1 pages

Tot A

tefiimony .of godly rdolution,lhe cndcd ber prayers fpcech, and togethtr, rcndring ber foule into the hand

chapter |2 pages

Tbt Approbation.

perfet< {rom thepen, d(}th more expefl to be Cup- and made vp by frile and

chapter |1 pages

Thc Epiftle

chapter |1 pages

Dedicatory. And ( deare Loue)'

chapter |1 pages

.Dcdlcatory. pcrfi[f; in

chapter |1 pages

Dedicatory. fometimes

chapter |1 pages

Thc EpilHe thü in her,fo: a paore

chapter |2 pages

Dedicarory. btlmility, tbough much

chapter |3 pages

Dedicatory deligbt not to haue a bold

chapter l|2 pages

)cdicatory. I oflearning &

chapter |1 pages


Cltl often, &car- uing' Ions, neftly' :deli- often, &car- rcdofGod., neftly' :deli-

chapter |2 pages

z T he .l lother

dranring on, which I hope h ath appointed to giue theevoto me: drew intoaconfidcration both whereforc I [0 earnefily

chapter 4|2 pages

The Alo/hers rnightdl bee an inheritour ofthe of Hea-

mided bend all aClions, and:(if itbce bldfed giue thce a .mcarure. grace, that thou maHl fcrue hill) as Minillcr)if make tbee a man.

chapter 6|1 pages

The Mothers

but I mayplainly fay tbat of men they by their cal- are the moll truly hap- ; they are familiar with God, they Jabour in bis

chapter |1 pages

not bee wich more; G

deliuer thee toufneiI'e. Church, nor promotions. though I honour tbem as I baue great caufet -but I would hauethce {o tmly an humbJe and zealous Mini-

chapter 8|1 pages

1'he ltlothers

would h;lue thce as carefull not to ncglelt Gods bIef- fing!, bur wich thank- fulnclfe to receiue what he bcllowes, and ro bca care· if thou , beeß a daughter, thou'.maill per- haps rhtnke I haue lo!} labour; , bur' reade on, and thou fiult fee' my

chapter |1 pages

Legacie.-,. 9. if thou wert a fonne, and

my feare gr(atcr .. ' It Inay peraduenture when thou comdl ro fome difcretion, appeare {hange not. blamed though I weite C 4 co

chapter 8|2 pages

1'he ltlothers if I .

to theehefore. Who would not condcmne mee (bouid be careldre of thy body whiIe is within md Sure a farre greater care

chapter |2 pages

Thc Mothers

obedient to thcfe inClru. ttions) as thou oughtefl to voto mce, I haue ]carnr of Gods ord, [ befecch hirn thnt .t hey maybc thc.c.

chapter |4 pages

Thc lvluthers of my foule and bodie

to an etemall King. dome. Thou canll not vnderfiand how greac thefe mcrcies are, but ftraight thr foule mull: ery,

chapter 18|1 pages


for be atfured if thou once yecld to negletl praying co God, but one halte houre, when thartimccomcs thou !halt finde thr felfe farre thou dif. pofell thy _felfe co pray, though tbou bcell:· heauy and vnclacerefull in it, yet God, ",ho: fearches the heart,and fees thy defire co

chapter |1 pages

you not, for

malice is to corne: Por be aifu red you can take no true ioy in earthly plearures, no' longer thaD youJeelce after hcauenly.

chapter |1 pages

The Afothers

faire an enemy: bis h:'ltc ruch to JOu, that ' ' hee could he would reare YOllr bodyand drag your foule to hell whilc }'ou .fiept. A. las, thts he mjgbt haue! done, your : firength. was

chapter |1 pages


Thcn being (for fure God likes not flceping bcgin thankes,and co defire the contißuanee· of

chapter |2 pages

Thc lt1.others

that. mighc haue happe- " ned vnto mc. I befeech " thce continue this thy fa- uourable goodneffe to- ward mee, and [0 grant Hauing thus inuired God into Jour {f)ule, take hecd you offend not ag!linrl [0 glorious a gudt Thinke

chapter |2 pages

The Afothers gone, for hee is mercifulJ. and will aay a·w hile after thou haft finned to c!xpca repcntance: bLitifrhou docll not makc haße, then the dcuill, who will not de

he will =-ccufe thee, will lcaue thee, being more offended· ramercoDcempt , tban attby firftof. Therefore runne' quick- ly,efteemeno On fmalJ,but wbJtmenibcr roeuer thee toofFcnd hirn,

chapter |2 pages

T he A10thers

couer thy tranfgreflion, and in his fonnes paUion bury thine offtnccs, as hec will hide thcm from himfdfe: but thcn

chapter |1 pages

Tbe Alotbcrs

fiian. For be rure the de- uill neuer is fo happy in his tentatiOfJ5, as when he em- them· on a floth- who cannot en-

chapter |1 pages

conremned wretched eß:ace (an there wofld l firft to be of God as an idlc

hated Drone, not fit for his uice: then through extreme pouerty co be conremned ofalhhe world. Oh then at no hand yeeld.thy Jouch

chapter |2 pages

Tbe Alotbcrs

this day,to gouerne, " keepe, and blelfe mee: " lead mee forth in cuery " good way, therein direCl " nnd ,confirme mce, and

chapter 1|2 pages


bling anothcr in lhape or face, yer for his rationaJJ foule is Jike another: best haue feare) changed their reafu-

chapter |1 pages

The .l-dothers

lies is bitter Oh theremembranceof mif-fpenr time; when thou {halt grow in .yeeres, and haue attained no other

chapter |1 pages

Legacie-,. 35

ther, at bfi thau finden th y , the lirll and then ·thou wirt griefe enougb per- ceiue, that if hadfi ft!r-

chapter |1 pages

Thc 310thcrs

would might appeare more whkh thou fpendeß in thefe vanitics. thou, (halt ßeuerbec ableto ac- count

chapter |1 pages

LegaciG. 37 If thou bur

count of. cndeuour doe weIl, God will accept the will for the dced, but ifthou wilfuny fpend thc morning of thy time in thefe vanities, God· but one folt of pride, and (0 feure frorn being ' accounted a vicc, that,ihhe time mcnds not bcfore you come to vnderfianding" 'you will well'drefi 'woman, (for [hat· tbc ftile cf ho· nour)!

chapter |1 pages

Tbe i.vIutbers themall of

nour) more commended) a wife or honelI, or re- Jigious , wornan. And' bec, this may moue tofollow:their idlc:nes: you will defire praife, follow the (xample ofthofe· eligious·womeo) whofe vertuousJames.time .h ach no.t to race out:

chapter |1 pages

Legacie.--. 9

without rep ous E{le" who raught her ,Maids co faft and pray Eft. I).andthechaßeSlifAP· fhapes

chapter 40|1 pages

The Mothers

thapes as oft thc Came- lion doth colours, it will fit felfe to all difpofici- ons) and (which is mofi ftrange) will difguife

chapter |1 pages

cbanged into that AngeH of light, Hu-if thou fin-.

mility,yet thou maifi kno\V it by fclfe-Joue; den tbat Mtbin thee, bee pridc is farre off. For humilitie will

chapter |2 pages

Yve 1.1iothers othcr tnen . . , Shun it far ..t hy foules

to bee like it, ruch a ihttery, that jt will rriake tbee belecue thou art grea· Jearnedcr chan the company, wben in-

chapter 44|2 pages

The. ltlothers of

dogs meat I will concJude a good mans faying, the finnes Icigning in the world wc:re burnt to

chapter 46|1 pages


thy finnes, and vfe Doaor morning prayer" than whicb I know not a better, nor euer did I finde more cornfort in any.

chapter |2 pages

: my reafon is, that your lcruants being vfed to to goe

are alwaies ready along wi!h hearts, word for word, as pray, and continuance to vndc:rfiand ·euery word, muß: needs caufe greacer deuo-

chapter |2 pages

, co hirn whom God will ho-nour? , Thercfore, if thon

and thou riches be thy aime, Saint affures thee, that Ifthou couet plearure, fet DAUids delight before thine eies, I

chapter |1 pages

to be ;ld uifcd in words. Though iris as·much to fay,Remembcr thy Crea· torwhen

fpcakcft, as I could v all the exhor- and tell theeal! the perils that belong to fpeech, yet [0 apt are forget God in talke, that fomel

chapter |2 pages


weakc, from meforordc- ring thy fpcech. ]' he morning I haue de- dkated co medication,prai- good fiudies, and ho-

chapter |2 pages

Tbc lvlothers

the, farne faulr, worfe than.that he is accu- (or. So thou lhalt bee forced eicher to mcnd thy felfe, .o r -not to condem'ne

chapter 56|2 pages

The Jlothers

maiß harme thy weak bro- thcr,but the greatcft harme will bee chine owne when tbou commell togiue ac-

chapter 5|1 pages

8 The A1.others If ,hou keep thy thoughts

holy, and thy words pure, I flnll not need (0 fearc,but all thy :tCl-ions will be

chapter |1 pages


owne confciencc oe witneffc enough a- thee. [ure that no aaion of thine· may bee a

chapter 60|1 pages

Thc Mothers · whom G hath fce as

\Vhat{oeucr rhou

chapter |1 pages


thou han com mitted that may that repentof jt,and reconcile God v.nto thee , hearing thy .c roffe

chapter 61|2 pages

The AIuthers

beteeue me, my childe, if out of any; worldly rcfpeCl doe a honefl atl, it may be tholl maill thriue in ita hile ,but coffkience who can bc:ard H thau teen thriue & grow grcat in fuch'cour ..r ead tbe 73 . P(almc, thou Uult fee n.luid

chapter 64|1 pages

The Mothers threaten it, thou not feare, for thy walls will lland fall, thee. enough ro per.

huge tempefts ncedeft :md thy foundacions wiU aore vp tbe comforr of a q iliet confclenc:e againß it came: fcr oJlcJy that dir- cernes the patielK from dcfpairing · CUIIt hi- .lndeed,

chapter |1 pages

LegaciL.,. 6 S

comcs, ,the fort bethe happicll, but then foone knowf)c . from the wheat : the good affii&ion &Us vpon thoi who haue laid their fouo,. thc fand, ,alas, haue comfort,they

chapter 66|1 pages

The .LY!others

fotred , they cannot findt: God, nay they wiJf not hirn : but in !lead from hirn, notafhamed (,,'ü,h ':' but I know where 'God-Is"once rm:fakcn; mal, is apt to irtto the depth oflint1e.," is gt'3ce, meere grace, that: Gods .th.ildrchl

chapter |1 pages

Legflcie...,. 67 God make vs

Almighty parcakers. afiions, ·remembcr that thou 3rt the prefence ot (who will cxpecl an accountfromthce) fothou wjJtnot .dare to doe euill, and thou wUt doc weil checrefuJly , becaufe thou

chapter |2 pages

The Mothen


chapter 70|1 pages

Thc i.\lotbers a calHng,

nccd be, and yet fcarceJy when thou art twicc asked, 8. Whac[oeuer thou be, thou hall which thoumufl not dif- las a Traueller from lnne co , lnne, till hee come to his : iournies end. Oh thinke

chapter |3 pages

Legacie...,. 7 howfilthy is that finne that a man a beafi all his

death: whom is eies? And in thc next anfwcrs, euen them that tarry long at the vVine,and the end of the Chapter, lcts fonh tbc miferics occa-

chapter 74|2 pages


. all others,at leafi: thou thin.\ keil fo. Btit doe not har. bour ir,fe2rch diligently for thy owne nature, and when thou hall found it,

chapter |1 pages

Tbc ivlothcrs morning,

gannefi thc: 'hut v.p thc: with hum- blelhankfgiuing for all tbe bcne1its that day receiued, hearty for.a11 thy flnnes committcd, na·

chapter |2 pages

Lcgacie-. 77

Lall, commic thy felfe, that is thine,to God zcalöus Praycr, vfiDg Doaor wening prayer) as his morning:

chapter |1 pages

Legacie...,. 79 of a Sabbath. Where al-

at the mofi: but a fhadow moß can we finde one that williofe a good bargaine racher than make it on the Lords day? Or that will bridle his owne defires to

chapter 80|2 pages

Tbe Alnthers tht S ab-

chapter |2 pages

The j.\lothcr.r

cann thou be fo dcuoid grace, nay :to obcyfo iaß a tviafter'l mercifullaFather I' fo gra- dous a T eacher 1 tbou m'alte

chapter |1 pages

The Alothers

drawthee fr0m. thi! daies and ready at hand co drawtheeaway from;God, bUt'this -without doubt

chapter |1 pages

LegaciG. 8 S .

Sermon, {ludy the ture, and fpend the illluch Chrillian exercifes, are infinitely good at 0" cher limes. Bilt I .

chapter 85|2 pages

The lrlothers thy felfe againfi hirn: ar

thc Churdt, there hath promifed co bee pre- tbere hee Da- thon then,fiJly wrerch,· abfcnt thy felfe from hirn ? know, thou darefi: not. Goe then with a heart pre- pared topray going meditate .on Gods great mercies in the crcati- ofthe wotld, his

chapter |2 pages

Tbe Jlothers

cither [hat thou hall not heard before, or not marked, or forgotceo, or not welJ put in ptaclife. And. it is fit thou,fhouldcß

chapter 90|1 pages

Thc Mothers

whkh thou hall ouerflipr, ftriue to recouer time, and rcfolue to put in alt. Thus by pratHfing whar thou . hearefi, thou lhaJt bath:' If thöu turne away thyfoot fromthe Sabbath, from. doing thy will on my· holy day, and call the'Sab- bath a dclight to conle-

chapter |1 pages

Legacie...,. nor fpcaking a word : Thcn (halt Lord, will caufe to

owne will, vaine tholl .dclight in the mountvpon the high pla- of the and tced thee wirh tbe heritage of thy father, for thc mouth

chapter |2 pages


Lcarne then to' prcp:lre forthis day, whtch obferudl" eIl, God will bleffe thee aod thy labours all the wecke. Thus farre I haue: endcuoured toexhortthce thy dutytowardsGod. (i1.)

chapter 94|1 pages

The Mothers Idarc fay, ifthou! either oE thefe Comrnandements, thou of the and

Nay, breakcfi breakell al1 Table : for as thou cann not idolatrous witbout breaking all the rell, fo thou canft not bee a difobcdient childe, but

chapter |1 pages


he \\Iould forfake his father. forbid. And what difFerence,fhal I fay is there bccwcenc a difobcdient cbilde., and an adulterer? .t lle one farfakes

chapter 94|2 pages

The Mothers tbofe from whom had his owne being. 'Truly this is a-

doctl not fecrcdy Reale, .b üt openJy detainc thcllbDour, t'cacm1Ce -2nd dut}', wh ich ;a ll 'world can 'witncai: is ". -.. ., , ; ..A nd how;wiJcJihou a· ;blcinW IIlte '. draw on' anothcr l Wilr

chapter |1 pages

Thc Alothers thy parents. I am [ure thou a father, who will ne- command · thee any thing contrary to thc ofGod. haue no nc:ed to fpcake to thce, how far a father ought to be obey-ed: b,ut humbly defire

haft Comm3ndcmc:nts God to continue hirn in hi$ defircs with long life. that he may bring thee "p :the feare and to giue thee a heart rea-

chapter |1 pages

performe 99 (J3)

Thc next dutic c:quall to this, thou ftlu!t performe to alt thc worJd in gcncralJ, to all men as thou wouldll die)' lhould doc as be hach 10- lied ,Yer of all that is (om. manded vs;tberc js more c:ontrary to Gur wie-

chapter 100|1 pages

Tbe Alotht}"s if he bc poorc;but loue if men fhould

hirn ifhe be rieb, or korne him? nay the deuill bach more erate tban fo. It were hard for him that firifes and C.oDCenti-' ons proceed of the d\!uill.' Thcn thou beea the child. of God, doc the warkes of God,louc chYllcighbour.as,

chapter |1 pages

Legacit ! -J .

chapter |2 pages


bclccue or iudgc that God .l hould hate ruch an impious vncbaricablendfe as a good Chrilliao muR needs .trem- blelte tbemthat curie 1OU, goodto them that.hate you,and pril)' forthem that hurt and perfccute you,tbat you may be tbe children cnow ,to thc

chapter |2 pages

Thc Alotbers

to redeeme ir, but runs on away the time whcre- in hee might· make fuch a

chapter 106|2 pages

/ Tbc l.Ylothers of Saint I,h" oft he fira to the C"illlhi. of vs, asif hte

or peraduenture pittics rum. The more cafiJ y to auoid this finne,confider well thc difprofits ofit.Readc in the firn Epißle wonh. As thc want of it brings infinite Dliferic, fo the potreffion infinite ioy. 8y Cbaricie we per forme our Sauiour ChrHb !com-

chapter 108|1 pages

The .Mothers

tion2Can we be fo cruell to our felues,as to deny Chrjft one commandement? For all his loue to requires· but this teflimony of oür

chapter |1 pages

God to giue thee his thou {halt be fuffer, and ready to forgiue. Thon muß: not any thing be fubied: to for tbc wHdome

holy lpiric, firong to greater aduaDtage .t han that thou wouldft traft thy foule co the difcretion thy corrupt Relb, he would foone inueigle that to be-

chapter |2 pages

The Mothers

more able co hurt thee. The next excufe I would take from thee,is a very foo- lißl one, but. f() common, that I feare you m3Y hap-

chapter |2 pages

Tbc Mvthers

Therefore take heed,and .Iet it he carenc- to prife thy 'repura:rio1t with men equali to !the ral- u3tion oftbine owne foule.

chapter |10 pages

Tbe ltiothcrs

w2nt nuallremembring that thou haft Sauiour otherJorme ofp raicr todc- fire .for.giuenclfe for thy felk,thm that wherin thou couenantefi: to· forgiue 0- thersl Alltheotherpetiti- other way to dcftre it, and the: i·8 '.M.r,hnr he (bewcs God will no otber- grantie.

chapter |1 pages

( ; "

chapter |3 pages
