Women continue to be one of the fastest growing groups of offenders with an increasing group of women involved in the criminal justice system around the world. Whilst internationally women comprise a low percentage of the total prison population, there is an escalating use of custody inextricably linked to the high levels of personal and social needs of women involved in the justice system. This book presents original research undertaken with Corrections Victoria, Australia, which examines the effectiveness of services and programmes women access in prison and after release, and the impact of this on successful reintegration into the community and on other trends such as reoffending.

Victoria’s Department of Justice introduced the Better Pathways strategy in response to a growing number of women entering the Victorian corrections system, and the concerning extent to which prison is used for women with inadequate accommodation and complex treatment and support needs. The strategy was developed to address the causes of women's offending and to try and help break the cycle of women's reoffending, by funding more holistic initiatives to support women in their transition to life after prison. It is well acknowledged that pathways into offending by women can also be the factors that most affect their reintegration.

The research outlined in this book presents data about individual women’s pathways through the programmes offered as part of the Better Pathways strategy and the views of the women themselves about the effectiveness of these programmes. Negligible research attention has been paid to what services and programmes are effective for women after prison. This book addresses this gap and provides a cohesive presentation of the key issues salient to the needs of women offenders.

chapter |4 pages


chapter 1|16 pages

Women after prison

Female crime, custody, and community

chapter 2|15 pages

Policy developments in Victoria

The Better Pathways strategy

chapter 4|16 pages

Adapting to community life

chapter 5|15 pages

Services and programmes

Sustaining the transition to community

chapter 6|23 pages

Culture and ethnicity

Life after prison for Indigenous and culturally diverse women

chapter 7|10 pages

Return to reoffending

chapter 8|10 pages

Women’s voices

Women’s experiences

chapter 9|4 pages

Women in the justice system

Maintaining desistance