As Enlightenment notions of predictability, progress and the sense that humans could control and shape their environments informed European thought, catastrophes shook many towns to the core, challenging the new world view with dramatic impact. This book concentrates on a period marked by passage from a society of scarcity to one of expenditure and accumulation, from ranks and orders to greater social mobility, from traditional village life to new bourgeois and even individualistic urbanism. The volume employs a broad definition of catastrophe, as it examines how urban communities conceived, adapted to, and were transformed by catastrophes, both natural and human-made. Competing views of gender figure in the telling and retelling of these analyses: women as scapegoats, as vulnerable, as victims, even as cannibals or conversely as defenders, organizers of assistance, inspirers of men; and men in varied guises as protectors, governors and police, heroes, leaders, negotiators and honorable men. Gender is also deployed linguistically to feminize activities or even countries. Inevitably, however, these tragedies are mediated by myth and memory. They are not neutral events whose retelling is a simple narrative. Through a varied array of urban catastrophes, this book is a nuanced account that physically and metaphorically maps men and women into the urban landscape and the worlds of catastrophe.

chapter 1|13 pages


Catastrophe, Gender and Urban Experience

part 1|104 pages

Catastrophe in the Age of Enlightenment and Absolutism

chapter 2|25 pages

Surviving the Siege

Catastrophe, Gender and Memory in La Rochelle

chapter 3|22 pages

Between Despair and Hope

The 1755 Earthquake in Lisbon

chapter 4|18 pages

Drowned in Westminster

A Social Catastrophe in a West London Suburb, 1550–1650

part 2|115 pages

Catastrophe in the Age of Democracy

chapter 7|18 pages

Catastrophe, Emotions and Guilt

The Great Fire of Turku, 1827

chapter 8|18 pages

Personal Catastrophe, Communal Misfortune

Bankruptcy in a Nineteenth-Century Merchant Family

chapter 9|20 pages

City Upside Down

Laughing at the Flooding of the Danube in Late Nineteenth-Century Vienna

chapter 10|21 pages

The Baltic Storm Surge in November 1872

Urban Processes, Gendered Vulnerability and Scientific Transformations 1

chapter 11|16 pages

Managing the Catastrophe

Cholera, Urban Community and Health Politics in Imperial Moscow

chapter 12|20 pages

One Disaster After Another

The Debate about the University of Ghent as Unfinished Business of the First World War, 1918–1923