Violence and community were intimately linked in the ancient world. While various aspects of violence have been long studied on their own (warfare, revolution, murder, theft, piracy), there has been little effort so far to study violence as a unified field and explore its role in community formation. This volume aims to construct such an agenda by exploring the historiography of the study of violence in antiquity, and highlighting a number of important paradoxes of ancient violence. It explores the forceful nexus between wealth, power and the passions by focusing on three major aspects that link violence and community: the attempts of communities to regulate and canalise violence through law, the constitutive role of violence in communal identities, and the ways in which communities dealt with violence in regards to private and public space, landscapes and territories. The contributions to this volume range widely in both time and space: temporally, they cover the full span from the archaic to the Roman imperial period, while spatially they extend from Athens and Sparta through Crete, Arcadia and Macedonia to Egypt and Israel.

chapter 1|27 pages


The study of violence and community in ancient Greek history

chapter 2|22 pages

Making law grip

Inequality, injustice, and legal remedy in Solonian Attica and ancient Israel *

chapter 3|22 pages

How to cast a criminal out of Athens

Law and territory in archaic Attica *

chapter 4|27 pages

Macedonians in Bottiaea

‘Warriors’ and identities in late Iron Age and archaic Macedonia 1

chapter 7|16 pages

Reintegrating the exiles

Violence, urban landscape and memory in early Hellenistic Tegea

chapter 8|19 pages

Violating the security of the oikia

Thefts from houses in the Hellenistic and Roman imperial periods 1