Engaging with contemporary Anglican theology of the Eucharist through the concept of anamnesis, this book seeks to enrich the Church's understanding of transformation and mission. Eucharistic theology finds its place in the midst of much contemporary Anglican theology but little attention has been given to the interrelationship between mission and the Eucharist. Julie Gittoes engages with the work of David Ford, Rowan Williams and Catherine Pickstock who share a common concern to engage with the way in which the Eucharist shapes the life of the worshipping community as the body of Christ. Focusing on the concept of anamnesis (remembrance or memorial), Gittoes highlights a language of connection in the way in which anamnesis describes the integration of historical, sacramental and ecclesial embodiments of Christ. The Eucharist looks back to the saving events of Christ's life, death and resurrection; through it the Church is nourished with the body of Christ; participating in it anticipates the eschatological fulfilment of the Kingdom. This book explores the connection between the source event of the Church's life and the transformative encounter with Christ in the Eucharist, the effects of which are seen in social/ethical/political action and the Church's mission.