A special volume of essays to celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Society, with a full listing and index of Hakluyt Society publications 1847-1995. Containing: P.E.H. Hair, ’The Hakluyt Society: from Past to Future’; R.C. Bridges, ’William Desborough Cooley and the Foundation of the Hakluyt Society’; Tony Campbell, ’R.H. Major and the British Museum’; R.J. Bingle, ’Henry Yule: India and Cathay’; Ann Savours, ’Clements Markham: longest serving Officer, most prolific Editor’; C.F. Beckingham, ’William Foster and the Records of the India Office’; D.B. Quinn, ’R.A. Skelton of the Map Room’; Michael Strachan, ’Esmond S. de Beer: Scholar and Benefactor’; and R.C. Bridges and P.E.H. Hair, ’The Hakluyt Society and World History’.

part I|48 pages


chapter |2 pages


chapter |1 pages


part II|140 pages

The Nineteenth Century: Victorian Figures

part III|34 pages

The Twentieth-Century: Recollected Figures

part IV|18 pages
