Controversies over the merits of public and private education have never been more prominent than today. This book evaluates public and private schooling, especially in regard to choices families must make for their children.While choice among publics schools is widely advocated today by families and states, public support for private education - including vouchers, tax credits, charter schools, and private contracting - is politically controversial. The authors accessibly describe what research shows as to the effects - for communities and children - of these approaches. They move beyond school choice to show how other factors - most notably the family - have a strong effect on a child's educational success. The book helps educators and parents better understand the rapidly changing educational environment and the important choices they make in educating the nation's children.

part |58 pages

The Family

chapter |13 pages

Modeling School Choice

A Comparison of Public, Private–Independent, Private–Religious, and Home-Schooled Students

chapter |24 pages


part |79 pages

The Private Market

chapter |25 pages

The Effects of Competition on Educational Outcomes

A Review of U.S. Evidence

chapter |18 pages

School Choice and the Supply of Private Schooling Places

(with Heather Schwartz)

chapter |17 pages

Postcompulsory Entitlements

Vouchers for Life-Long Learning