Although the United States is currently the world's only military and economic superpower, the nation's superpower status may not last. The possible futures of the global system and the role of U.S. power are illuminated by careful study of the past. This book addresses the problems of conceptualizing and assessing hegemonic rise and decline in comparative and historical perspective. Several chapters are devoted to the study of hegemony in premodern world-systems. And several chapters scrutinize the contemporary position and trajectory of the United States in the larger world-system in comparison with the rise and decline of earlier great powers, such as the Dutch and British empires. Contributors: Kasja Ekholm, Johnny Persson, Norihisa Yamashita, Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly Silver, Karen Barkey, Jonathan Friedman, Christopher Chase-Dunn, Rebecca Giem, Andrew Jorgenson, John Rogers, Shoon Lio, Thomas Reifer, Peter Taylor, Albert Bergesen, Omar Lizardo, Thomas D. Hall.

chapter |4 pages

Introduction: Hegemonic Declines

Present and Past

part I|110 pages

On the Way to the Modern World-System

chapter 1|44 pages

Escaping a Closed Universe

World-System Crisis, Regional Dynamics, and the Rise of Aegean Palatial Society

chapter 3|26 pages

Plus Ça Change?

On Not Learning from History

part II|88 pages

Comparing Modern Hegemonic Declines

chapter 5|18 pages

A Perspective on Ottoman Decline

chapter 6|30 pages

Polanyi's “Double Movement”

The Belles ÉPoques of British and U.S. Hegemony Compared

part III|38 pages

Hegemonic Decline and Resistance

chapter 8|22 pages

Indigenous Peoples and Hegemonic Change

Threats to Sovereignty or Opportunities for Resistance?