Big data, surveillance, crisis management. Three largely different and richly researched fields, however, the interplay amongst these three domains is rarely addressed.

Through unique international case studies this book examines the links between these three fields. Considering crisis management as an 'umbrella term' that covers a number of crises and ways of managing them, this book explores the collection of ‘big data’ by governmental crisis organisations, as well as the unintended consequences of using such data. In particular, through the lens of surveillance, the contributions investigate how the use and abuse of big data can easily lead to monitoring and controlling the behaviour of people affected by crises. Readers will understand that big data in crisis management must be examined as a political process, involving questions of power and transparency.

A highly topical volume, Big Data, Surveillance and Crisis Management will appeal to postgraduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in fields including Sociology and Surveillance Studies, Disaster and Crisis Management, Media Studies, Governmentality, Organisation Theory and Information Society Studies.

part I|62 pages

Social media and crisis management

chapter 2|19 pages

The use of social media for crisis management

A privacy by design approach

chapter 3|19 pages

Mining social media for effective crisis response

Machine learning and disaster response

part II|40 pages

Big data and health surveillance

chapter 5|17 pages

Biosecuring public health

The example of ESSENCE

chapter 6|21 pages

Triggering action

Participatory surveillance and event detection in public health emergency management

part III|103 pages

Case studies on disasters, crisis and big data

chapter 7|22 pages

Resilience, surveillance and big data in crisis management

Case studies from Europe, the United Kingdom and New Zealand

chapter 8|17 pages

Monitoring a big data cyclone

The Sardinian case

chapter 9|19 pages

Intersecting intelligence

Exploring big data disruptions

chapter 10|19 pages


Opening the black box of surveillance in emergency management