This popular introductory textbook provides an overview of more than 3 million years of human prehistory. Written in an accessible and jargon-free style, this engaging volume tells the story of humanity from our beginnings in tropical Africa up to the advent of the world’s first urban civilizations. A truly global account, World Prehistory surveys the latest advances in the study of human origins and describes the great diaspora of modern humans in the millennia which followed as they settled Europe, Asia and the Americas. Later chapters consider seminal milestones in prehistory: the origins of food production, the colonization of the offshore Pacific and the development of the first more complex human societies based, for the most part, on agriculture and stock raising. Finally, Fagan and Durrani examine the prevailing theories regarding early state-organized societies and the often flamboyant, usually volatile, pre-industrial civilizations which developed in the Old World and the Americas.

Fully updated to reflect new research, controversies, and theoretical debates, this unique book continues to be an ideal resource for the beginner first approaching archaeology. Drawing on the experience of two established writers in the field, World Prehistory is a respected classic which acquaints students with the fascinations of human prehistory.

part |2 pages

Part I Prehistory

chapter 1|38 pages

Introducing World Prehistory

part |2 pages

Part II The World of the First Humans

chapter 2|38 pages

Human Origins

chapter 3|36 pages

African Exodus

part |2 pages

Part III The Birth of the Modern World

chapter 4|30 pages


chapter 5|26 pages

The Origins of Food Production

chapter 6|30 pages

The Earliest Farmers

chapter 7|30 pages

Chiefs and Chiefdoms

part |2 pages

Part IV Early Civilizations

chapter 8|22 pages

State-Organized Societies

chapter 10|30 pages

Egypt and Africa

chapter 11|24 pages

South, Southeast, and East Asia

chapter 12|28 pages

Lowland Mesoamerica

chapter 13|24 pages

Highland Mesoamerica

chapter 14|28 pages

Andean Civilizations