This second edition of Developing Organizational Simulations provides a concise source of information on effective and practical methods for constructing simulation exercises for the assessment of psychological characteristics relevant to effectiveness in work organizations. Incorporating new additions such as the multiple ways technology can be used in the design, delivery, scoring, and evaluating of simulation exercises, as well as the delivery of feedback based on the results, this book is user-friendly with practical how-to guidance, including many graphics, boxes, and examples. This book is ideal for practitioners, consultants, HR specialists, students, and researchers in need of guidance developing organizational simulations for personnel selection, promotion, diagnosis, training, or research. It is also suited for courses, workshops, and training programs in testing and measurement, personnel selection, training and development, and research methodology.

part I|73 pages

Concepts and Principles

part II|98 pages

Categories and Types of Simulations

chapter 6|15 pages

Individual Interpersonal Simulations

chapter 7|21 pages

Individual Information Simulations

chapter 8|15 pages

Intra-Group Simulations

chapter 9|14 pages

Inter-Group Simulations

chapter 10|10 pages

Simulations Involving Physical Activities

chapter 11|14 pages

Low-Fidelity Simulations

chapter 12|7 pages

Integrated Simulations

A “Day in the Life”