This readable and conceptual approach to public policy carefully balances theory and practice to provide students at all levels with a solid grounding in policy analysis.

Authors Randy S. Clemons and Mark K. McBeth explore the impact of mixed methodologies on policy analysis, supported by interesting and useful teaching cases. Offering a balanced view of public policy, the text addresses the political basis of policy making and analysis and covers the limitations, practical problems, and ethical implications of different techniques and methodologies.Models and tools are provided to help students develop the analytical skills necessary for policy analysis, while engaging boxes and anecdotes relate concepts to specific examples. In addition to new coverage, this edition has been revised to make the book even more accessible to undergraduates without weakening its usefulness to graduate students.

chapter 2|13 pages

The Rational Public Policy Method

chapter 3|18 pages

Critiques of the Rational Approach

chapter 4|52 pages

The Nonrational (Political) Approach

chapter 5|47 pages

A Pragmatic Public Policy Analysis Method

chapter 7|38 pages

Doing Democracy: A New Fifth Step

chapter 8|40 pages

The Positivist Toolbox

chapter 9|4 pages

The Conclusion: Praxis