Crime, Violence, and Global Warming introduces the many connections between climate change and criminal activity. Conflict over natural resources can escalate to state and non-state actors, resulting in wars, asymmetrical warfare, and terrorism. Crank and Jacoby apply criminological theory to each aspect of this complicated web, helping readers to evaluate conflicting claims about global warming and to analyze evidence of the current and potential impact of climate change on conflict and crime. Beginning with an overview of the science of global warming, the authors move on to the links between climate change, scarce resources, and crime. Their approach takes in the full scope of causes and consequences, present and future, in the United States and throughout the world. The book concludes by looking ahead at the problem of forecasting future security implications if global warming continues or accelerates. This fresh approach to the criminology of climate change challenges readers to examine all sides of this controversial question and to formulate their own analysis of our planet’s future.

part |2 pages

Section II Climate Change and the Rending of the Social Fabric

chapter 5|20 pages

Consequences of Global Warming

chapter 6|32 pages

The Problems of Water

part |2 pages

Section III Migration Futures and Megacities: A Collision Course With Global Warming

part |2 pages


chapter 10|20 pages

States and Their Challengers

chapter 11|18 pages

Security Issues and Global Warming

chapter 12|8 pages

Conclusion: Whither the Social Contract?