Architecture is conventionally seen as being synonymous with building. In contrast, this book introduces and defines a new category - the unbuildable. The unbuildable involves projects that are not just unbuilt, but cannot be built. This distinct form of architectural project has an important and often surprising role in architectural discourse, working not in opposition to the buildable, but frequently complementing it.

Using well-known examples of early Soviet architecture – Tatlin’s Tower in particular – Nerma Cridge demonstrates the relevance of the unbuildable, how it relates to current notions of seriality, copying and reproduction, and its implications for contemporary practice and discourse in the computational age. At the same time it offers a fresh view of our preconceptions and expectations of early Soviet architecture and the Constructivist Movement.

chapter |20 pages


Category of the unbuildable

part I|104 pages

The unbuildable monument

chapter 1|42 pages

Tatlin's Tower

An image outside of time

chapter 2|35 pages

The unbuildable tomb

The Palace of the Soviets

chapter 3|25 pages

Tower and Palace

Two faces of the gigantic monument

part II|46 pages

The unbuildable series

chapter 4|13 pages

Horizontal Skyscraper

Series within a series

chapter 5|20 pages

The serial series

Iakov Chernikhov

chapter 6|11 pages

The pioneering series

Piranesi's Carceri

chapter |7 pages
