In the ten years prior to its original publication in 1987, cognitive psychology uncovered the increasingly important role of knowledge stored in memory and the integrated nature of cognitive processes. In Memory, Thinking and Language the author takes these three traditional topics and places them within the new cognitive approach. Judith Greene’s 1975 book Thinking and Language, proved to be a highly successful student resource. This book provides an equally clear introduction to complex ideas. It also emphasises the practical applications of cognitive psychology for teaching and learning as well as for everyday life.

chapter 1|5 pages


chapter 2|10 pages

Thinking and knowledge

chapter 3|20 pages

The structure of knowledge

chapter 4|22 pages

Active memory

chapter 5|26 pages

Language and knowledge

chapter 6|14 pages

Language and communication

chapter 8|24 pages


chapter 9|17 pages

Learning, acting and speaking

chapter 10|12 pages

Implications for teaching

chapter 11|8 pages

Knowing and doing: what's it all about?