Don't train your teachers in instructional technology without reading this resource-packed book from Sarah T. Meltzer. Meltzer presents easy-to-follow guidelines for bringing about effective professional development in technology from start to finish. She takes you step-by-step through the process of planning, implementing, and managing professional development opportunities. The book is also filled with handy, practical tools and resources, such as

  • pre-planning worksheets
  • needs assessment surveys
  • long- and short-term technology plans
  • technology inventory forms
  • training schedule templates
  • and more

Meltzer provides filled-out examples of those forms, so you can see how to complete them. She also offers blank versions for your own use. In addition, each chapter concludes with a checklist to help you keep track of the steps you take as you make professional development in technology a reality—and a success—in your school or district.

chapter 1|5 pages


chapter 3|18 pages

The Big Picture: Preparing for Success

chapter 4|25 pages

Planning: Setting the Stage

chapter 5|13 pages

Implementation: The Action

chapter 6|10 pages

Follow-up and Support: Now What?

chapter 7|3 pages

Conclusion: Growing the Process