This book presents essays by an outstanding team of international specialists and covers a wide range of topics, including (inter alia) the relationships between the Austrian and Swedish theories of the business cycle, the on-going debates between Austrians and (Post) Keynesians, Schumpeter's 'Walrasian' stand in the socialist calculation debate, and the Austrian roots of Neo-Institutional economics. The studies stress the unique Austrian contributions to economic methodology and to the theory of entrepreneurship, while revealing unexpected methodological and philosophical similarities between, among others, Hayek and Marx.

chapter 1|21 pages


Austrian economics in debate

chapter 3|33 pages

Money, Economic Fluctuations, Expectations and Period Analysis

The Austrian and Swedish economists in the interwar period

chapter 6|24 pages

Critical Realism

Marx and Hayek

chapter 9|28 pages

Entrepreneurship, Interdependency and Institutions

The comparative advantages of the Austrian and post-Keynesian styles of thought