Allison Weir sets forth a concept of identity which depends on an acceptance of nonidentity, difference, and connection to others, defined as a capacity to participate in a social world. Weir argues that the equation of identity with repression and domination links "relational feminists" like Nancy Chodorow, who equate self-identity with the repression of connection to others, and poststructuralist feminists like Judith Butler, who view any identity as a repression of nonidentity or difference. Weir traces this conception of identity as domination back to Simone de Beauvoir's theories of the relation of self and other.

chapter |13 pages


chapter |29 pages

Self-Identity as Domination

The Misrecognition of Hegel in de Beauvoir, Derrida, and Jessica Benjamin

chapter |22 pages

Separation as Domination

Nancy Chodorow and the Relational Feminist Critique of Autonomy

chapter |25 pages

The Paradox of the Self

Jessica Benjamin's Intersubjective Theory

chapter |22 pages

The Subversion of Identity

Luce Irigaray and the Critique of Phallogocentrism

chapter |23 pages

From the Subversion of Identity to the Subversion of Solidarity?

Judith Butler and the Critique of Women's Identity

chapter |10 pages

‘Resistance Must Finally Be Articulated in a Voice Which Can Be Heard'

Jacqueline Rose and the Paradox of Identity

chapter |39 pages

Toward a Theory of Self and Social Identity

Julia Kristeva

chapter |7 pages
