Originally published in 1989 Defence Industries presents a worldwide survey of defence industries. It argues that modern weapon systems and electronic warfare have led to the transition of the military-industrial enterprise into a multifaceted entity where electronics production is the key. It analyses the extent of defence industries, showing that large portions of the aerospace, shipbuilding, motor vehicle and electronics industries are devoted to defence and discusses where the defence industries are located. It examines the differences in government policies, contrasting the superpowers, with newly industrialised countries.

chapter One|37 pages

Arms Spending and Defence Industries

chapter Two|26 pages

Empirical Dimensions of the Arms Economy

chapter Three|66 pages

The Conception of the Mie

chapter Four|74 pages

The Evolution of the Traditional MIE

chapter Five|33 pages

The Modern Mie

chapter Six|45 pages

The Emergent Mie

chapter Seven|5 pages
