Liberalism: The Basics is an engaging and accessible introduction to liberalism. The author provides a comprehensive overview of liberal practices, liberal values and critically analyses liberal theories, allowing for a richer understanding of liberalism as a whole.

The book is divided into three parts:

  • Liberal practices: the rule of law, free speech, freedom of association and movement, economic freedom and sexual freedom.
  • Liberal values: freedom, autonomy, equality, and the universal values of political societies – the communal identity – and well-being of their members.
  • Liberal theories: natural rights, utilitarianism, Kant's rationalism and the contemporary theories of John Rawls and the post-Rawlsians.

Presented in a clear and concise way, this book will be an ideal introduction for students and scholars of liberalism, political philosophy, political theory and political ideology.

part I|59 pages

Liberal practices

chapter 2|9 pages

The rule of law

chapter 3|15 pages

Free speech

chapter 4|8 pages

Freedom of association and movement

chapter 5|13 pages

Economic freedom

chapter 6|5 pages

Sexual freedom

part II|76 pages

Liberal values

chapter 7|14 pages

The idea and value of freedom

chapter 8|29 pages

The equality of the participants

chapter 9|15 pages


chapter 10|12 pages

Liberalism and human well-being

part III|66 pages

Liberal theories

chapter 11|10 pages

Libertarian theories

chapter 12|12 pages

Utilitarian theories of liberalism

chapter 14|28 pages

Contemporary theories of liberalism