Time for Solutions! Overcoming Gender-related Career Barriers shares the who, what and how to reduce gender inequalities in the workplace. Clearly the time is now since inequities are hampering the economy and simply wrong. Who needs to change? And, how? These can be more difficult questions to answer. This book identifies a wide range of issues that need attention and provides direction pertaining to who needs to do what. Gender diversity studies have concentrated on the plight of women which unfortunately still needs consideration. We go beyond the problems of women to see what some in the LGBTQ community are facing and what needs to happen to reduce their barriers. Interestingly, there are a few universal solutions that are not complicated to implement. All it takes is paying attention to individual needs and implementing sociological solutions that create long-term inclusion. Of course, the devil is in the details. Authors of this book provide those details.

part I|66 pages

Breaking the shackles of gender-related expectations

chapter 1|35 pages

The Global View of Gender Discrimination in Business

A story of economic exclusion

chapter 2|13 pages

Queer Labor

chapter 3|14 pages

Gendered Perceptions in Healthcare

Overcoming subtle biases

part II|72 pages

Clearing the path

chapter 4|30 pages

Why Inclusion Makes Economic and Cultural Sense

Dissident masculinities in Indian cinema

chapter 6|20 pages

Women vs. Women

Gender tokenism, indirect aggression and the consequences for career advancement

part III|61 pages

Creating paths for gender equality

chapter 7|13 pages

Asian Women in Business

The bamboo ceiling

chapter 8|16 pages

Being a Pioneer Woman Leader in a Pioneering Company

What are the lessons for organizations today?

chapter 9|26 pages

Sticky Solutions to Career Barriers

Process matters

chapter 10|3 pages


Time for solutions!