Slavery in the United States clarifies the institution of slavery in its historical context. Filler avoids the all too prevalent literary attitude of either treating slavery as an unmitigated nightmare from the past, or regarding it as a way of life which warmly repaid slave and slaveholder. He does not reduce the issue to one of fact and figures, nor does he inject endless hypotheses and analogues. Rather, this finely etched volume encompasses the human implications of slavery and its practices. It emphasizes the distinguished and disreputable elements on both sides of the slavery relationship, and in every part of the United States.

Slavery offers peculiar challenges to the student of American life, past and present. It is unrealistic to avoid the human implications of slavery and its practice. It is equally unhelpful to assume glib and partial viewpoints with respect to so all-embracing a system as slavery became. The cause of progress, no less than social science, is not advanced by indifference to patent facts. The civil libertarian who romanticizes black people indiscriminately, and lumps Jefferson Davis with Simon Legree may win popularity with enthusiasts and ideologues. But they will soon find themselves quaint and outmoded.

The author reminds us that "the safest approach to slavery is to determine what the institution meant to the country at large; why it flourished as it did, and how it came to be opposed and overthrown." The work includes high quality often neglected readings that permit the reader to form his or her own views. It reveals the best writing on all aspects of the slavery issue, as well as analytic summations by contemporary historians and social researchers.

part |2 pages


chapter 1|8 pages

The New World and Slavery

chapter 2|6 pages

Negroes and Slavery

chapter 3|3 pages

The “Peculiar Institution”

chapter 5|3 pages

Stabilizing the Slave System

chapter 6|4 pages

Spanish and American Slavery Compared

chapter 7|6 pages

Slavery as a “Positive Good”

chapter 8|6 pages

Slavery as a Way of Life

chapter 9|12 pages

The Challenge of Freedom

chapter 10|6 pages

The Verdict of War

chapter 11|9 pages

The Continuing Debate

part |2 pages


chapter 1|1 pages

Andrew Jackson Seeks a Runaway

chapter 2|4 pages

Indian Slavers

chapter 3|3 pages

The Slave Trader: His Life and Outlook

chapter 8|1 pages

The Northern Response to Freedmen

chapter 10|2 pages

A Slave Defends Slavery

chapter 11|3 pages

John J. Audubon Encounters a Runaway

chapter 12|3 pages

John C. Calhoun Responds to Abolitionists

chapter 13|3 pages

The Free Negro: His Enslavement

chapter 14|2 pages

Colonization and the Free Negro

chapter 15|2 pages

Colonization and the Slave

chapter 17|3 pages

A Foreign View: Charles Dickens on Slavery

chapter 19|3 pages

William Wells Brown:Pictures of Slave Life

chapter 20|3 pages

William Still:Chronicles of Enslavement

chapter 22|3 pages

The Border States: A Slave’s Wedding

chapter 23|2 pages

Slavery for Northerners: A Proposal

chapter 24|3 pages

The Proslavery Answer to British Criticism

chapter 25|3 pages

Henry Clay: What Is to Be Done?

chapter 27|3 pages

Hinton Rowan Helper: Slavery Renounced

chapter 28|3 pages

Emancipation: The Confederate Program

chapter 29|3 pages

Slavery in Retrospect: The Freedman