This volume describes research and theory concerning the cognitive neuroscience of attention. Filling a key gap, it emphasizes developmental changes that occur in the brain-attention relationship in infants, children, and throughout the lifespan and reviews the literature on attention, development, and underlying neural systems in a comprehensive manner.

Special features include:
* a new model of the neural control of eye movements;
* a developmental perspective on the burgeoning literature on the cognitive neuroscience of attention;
* the integration of ideas, research, and theories across chapters within each section via summary and commentary essays; and
* a summary of the most recent work in the developmental cognitive neuroscience of attention by several of the leading researchers in this field.

part I|178 pages

Attention and Eye Movements

chapter 2|52 pages

Overt Orienting Toward Peripheral Stimuli

Normal Development and Underlying Mechanisms

chapter 4|32 pages

Attention and Eye Movement in Young Infants

Neural Control and Development

chapter 5|16 pages

Summary and Commentary

Eye Movements, Attention and Development

part II|145 pages

Orienting to Locations and Objects

chapter 6|38 pages

The Neurology of Visual Orienting

A Pathological Disintegration of Development

chapter 8|36 pages

Visual Parsing and Object-Based Attention

A Developmental Perspective

chapter 9|30 pages

Frontal Lobe Function During Infancy

Implications for the Development of Cognition and Attention

chapter 10|7 pages

Summary and Commentary

Developing Attentional Skills

part III|101 pages

Attention, Memory, and Life-Span Changes