Obesity represents one of the major global health challenges of the 21st century. Its occurrence has now reached epidemic proportions, not only in industrialized nations, but increasingly in less developed countries too. Written by world-leading specialists in public health nutrition, Globesity cuts straight to the underlying nature and causes of this devastating trend. It shows that the causes of obesity are primarily socio-economic and the result of a distorted agricultural and food production and supply system. To address this problem, we must learn how to better manage the physical, social and economic environment rather than simply focusing on individual lifestyle choices. The authors draw startling parallels between the obesity crisis and climate change, both of which are characterized by the over-consumption of increasingly scarce resources and require radical, urgent and sustainable solutions. The authors argue that if we are to deal with the twin crises of our climate and our waistlines, action must be taken now. Drawing on a wide range of sources and disciplines, including anthropology, economics, sociology, epidemiology, medicine and nutrition, Globesity provides a vital treatment of the issues for general readers, health professionals, policy-makers and students alike.

chapter 1|16 pages

Wave of Panic Across the Planet

chapter 3|16 pages

Revolution on our Plates

chapter 5|14 pages

Welcome to Wal-Mart 67

chapter 6|14 pages

Culprits or Scapegoats?

chapter 7|8 pages

Go Active!

chapter 8|16 pages

Slimming with Pills

chapter 9|14 pages

Prevention is Better than Cure

chapter 10|16 pages

Some Leads and their Limits

chapter 11|10 pages

Obesity and Climate Change: An Odd Couple?