International institutions and structures are crucial to the management of the global environment. The present arrangements are failing to cope adequately with the scale of the task and the demands placed on them, and alternatives are urgently needed. In this second volume of World in Transition, experts in the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WGBU) analyze the problems and set out comprehensive and persuasive policies for a successful future regime. Central to the future, it argues, will be a strengthened and more effective UN Environment Programme within an alliance organized around three main objectives of assessment, organization and funding.

part 1|9 pages

Summary for policymakers

part A|7 pages

Who is steering Spaceship Earth?

part B|47 pages

The situation: Global environmental trends

chapter B1|2 pages

Syndromes of global change

chapter B2|29 pages

Global environmental problems

part C|38 pages

Institutional deficits and remedies

part D|18 pages

Institutional interplay

part E|44 pages

Global environmental policy: Assessment, organization and funding

part F|13 pages

Earth Alliance: Approaches and a vision for restructuring