The assassination of Admiral Luis Carrero Blanco on December 20, 1973, by Euskadi Ta Askatasuna (ETA) was an almost classical example of contemporary practice. The ETA struggle, however, had been waged largely in Euskadi with the usual tools and operations of such a struggle: armed raids, theft, kidnapping, bombings, and of course murder, usually of members of categories rather than prominent individuals. One of ETA's problems was that the struggle was isolated, even from Madrid, and certainly from the Western media. The result has been that the military militants of ETA have refused to accept accommodations offered by Madrid and have continued their armed struggle of direct action including murder. Although ETA's separatist campaign has been the most violent and, after Operation Ogro, one of the most visible, the problem of submerged nationalities and dissident ethnic groups is a real one in Europe, in the United States with the Puerto Ricans, and in Canada with Quebec.