ACT Applied Chemistry Team, established by U.S. Army Soldier and Biological Chemical Command at Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood, Maryland. Formerly known as Design Evaluation Laboratory.

AEGLs Acute exposure guideline levels. AEL Airborne exposure concentration limit; causes no long-term effects after exposure

of up to 8 hr. Aerosol A liquid or solid composed of finely suspended particles in a gaseous medium. Agent Chemical warfare compound or surety material. amu Atomic mass unit. APG Aberdeen Proving Ground, Edgewood, Maryland. atm Atmospheric pressure at sea

level, equal to 760 mmHg. Blister agent A chemical agent that injures the eyes and lungs and blisters the skin. Carcinogen Substance that has the potential to cause cancer in humans. Carcinogenicity The potential for development of cancer in humans. CAS Chemical Abstract Service. CG Phosgene. Chemical contamination Presence of chemical agent in environment (air, water, soil,

food, clothing, etc.) or persons. Chemical warfare All aspects of military operations involving the use of lethal agents. Chemical warfare agent (CWA) Chemical compound used with intent to kill, injure, or

incapacitate persons in military operations. CK Cyanogen chloride. CWAs Chemical warfare agents. DA Diphenylchlorarsine. Decontamination Process of reducing the amount of chemical agent on objects, persons,

and/or areas. Decontamination level Designates degree of decontamination expressed as 1X, 3X

(XXX), 5X (XXXXX), 0. Detection Determine presence of a chemical agent. DoD U.S. Department of Defense. DPG Dugway Proving Ground, under the U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command,

located in Utah.