Surveyed affiliates of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences averaged 2.01 years at Bryn Mawr full-time, although groups after 1955 reported longer durations. More than 80% of Graduate School of Arts and Sciences alumnae/i did their undergraduate work at colleges other than Bryn Mawr. The greatest number in any one field reported undergraduate majors in English. Seventy-four percent of spouses of surveyed alumnae/i held graduate degrees; among Ph. D.’s, 21.9% of spouses held doctorates. Most of the difference between Undergraduate College and Graduate School response occurred in reports of prejudice against women regarding employment, salary, responsibility, or training. Graduate School alumnae responded less frequently than former undergraduates in regard to some obstacles, and they were within 1 % of undergraduates’ response on all other points. Undergraduate College and Graduate School alumnae/i made very similar numbers of positive comments overall, although the graduate group focused on curriculum rather than on the broader areas mentioned by many undergraduates.