This chapter describes some of the most common alcohol moderation tools and how clients can put them into practice. They are grouped in topics that include: blood alcohol concentration, physical, emotional, environmental, tracking, and motivational. Successful moderators know the effects of their blood alcohol concentration (BAC). It is the percentage of alcohol in the bloodstream. Alcohol is classified as a sedative or depressant substance because it impairs or “slows down” mental and physical functioning. Rotating between a nonalcoholic beverage and one containing alcohol helps in several ways. It helps people pace themselves and prevents the BAC from rising too quickly. Alcohol cravings may be a sign that biological needs are being unmet. Alcohol is absorbed into the bloodstream from the stomach and the small intestine. Alcohol is also known to reduce the effectiveness of many medications. Many people who are regular drinkers associate “drink” with an alcoholic beverage.