A poster campaign endorsed by a number of associations for the protection of animals denounced a "generalization of ritual slaughter" in French slaughterhouses. In November 2010, a group of animal welfare associations was preparing to launch a campaign they hoped would shock the public in order to combat the abusive practice of slaughtering without stunning animals whose meat was not destined for the religious markets. The first campaign conveyed two messages: the refusal to generalize "kosher" and "halal" slaughtering on the one hand, and the demand that ritual meats be labeled so as to inform the consumer of the slaughtering method used for the product on the other. In the second campaign, ritual slaughtering, the "cause of great suffering for the animal", is described as disrespectful. The second campaign suffered from the fiasco of the first one, which had quickly been denounced as "a smear campaign against the Jews and the Muslims".