Picture an old woman on the street, carrying her groceries home. What do you see? Wrinkles? Slow movement? A stooped posture? Do you worry about the person tripping or falling down? What if you learned more about the woman walking past you? What if it turns out that she has been married 64 years? What if you then find out that this woman is a Holocaust survivor? This isn’t just another old person. This is Rose, a woman in her 90s who loves her little apartment in Brooklyn, where she and her husband have lived very full and rewarding lives. She has children and grandchildren. She has stories to tell you and eventually you’ll realize that a gleam comes into her eyes and a flush rises in her cheeks when she talks about some of the adventures she has had. Every time you leave, she takes your hand and tells you, “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” before chuckling and sending you on your way.