e-Learning is sometimes described as pedagogy empowered by digital technology. Education by means of online services has emerged over the last several years worldwide as a crucial educational ingredient to supplement contact teaching in the classroom. Similar to classical education, multimedia content and particularly video delivered on-demand directly to the student’s end is one of the most powerful facets of what we call e-Learning 2.0. It is closest in impact to classroom-based live contact teaching. An intranet-based e-content-based content management system is needed in e-Learning environments, especially in scientific and engineering education. The aim of this study is to enlighten the conceptual framework adopted in intranet-based e-Content Management System (CMS), architecture of intranet-based e-content delivery, key benefits of intranet-based e-CMS to stake holders with an analysis and interpretation of first time experiences by under graduate students and their level of satisfaction with the use of intranet-based e-CMS. The study made by the researcher evaluates that the under-graduate students find very interesting in learning through this mode of technology and also the study recommends to extend this e-Platform to other educational domains.