The influence of Seljuk architecture can clearly be seen in the old city of Konia. During the time of Firuz Shah Kotla, architecture without sculpture was against the Indian tradition. Sculpture without ornamentation would look lifeless, which was the feature of the time of Firuz. Some people have found this as a reflection of the declining empire. Firuz Shah Kotla on the plain land on the bank of the river was half a mile long and quarter mile broad. It was on a high ground and surrounded by a high strong wall in which bastions were placed at regular intervals. The outer area of Kotla was divided into a square and eight cornered courtyard. The use of arches with ornamentation, use of land, towers and heights were experimented which reached a special place during the period of the Lodi dynasty. This had remained an unenviable artistic style of Indo-Islamic culture in the Indian subcontinent.