Role play can be a powerful tool to help develop effective behavior as a manager. While role playing can hone your demeanor to be both more comfortable and more effective, role playing need not be a burden to use or develop. Role play can be employed almost daily as a tool to practice and build skills. It is easy to do by yourself, with one other person, or with multiple people. Once a comfort level with doing role play is developed, it becomes like a pen or a wallet that you easily carry with you and can draw on to use when the time is right. There are myriad opportunities for using and applying role play to your development in natural ways. Chapter 6 presents suggestions for how to use role playing as an individual activity or one with a partner. The chapter describes when and how to use role play, the benefits of role playing as well as the drawbacks or when to limit this approach. In addition to examples, many role play scenarios to be used as practice are provided.