In this chapter, we have come to the beginning of Stage III of the FAST coaching conversation. That stage comes when the coach is confident that the coachee has explored the situation to the point where a motivating goal has emerged.

The goal setting point comes when the next obvious question is ‘Now what do you want to do?’.

The goal that emerges does not have to be the best goal. It will not be the only possible goal, but it is the goal that is right for that person at that time.

The challenge for the Manager Coach is being able to stay working for the coachee even if the goal has implications for them.

Where the purpose of the conversation changes as a result of the questioning skills of the Manager Coach, the ‘Now what do you want to do?’ question allows the coachee to revisit their purpose and start again.

Holding back from goal setting until the coachee is ready to define an appropriate motivating goal supports FAST coaching, rather than slowing it down.