Soil-borne pathogenic fungi are extensively spread and liable to cause serious damage and are accountable for great losses in agricultural area. Excessive and irrational use of pesticides brought infrequent toxicity and adverse effects to soil and ground water. To overcome this, biocontrol agent of great potential in contradiction of soil-borne phyto-pathogens is a substitute way to artificial fungicides. Rhizospheric soil of agricultural farm was collected from the farm at Anand district, Gujarat. Seclusion of fungi was carried out from the soil and were further sub cultured. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of glucanase enzyme was performed using Carboxy Methyl Cellulose (CMC) media. Qualitative and quantitative analysis of chitinase enzyme was performed using colloidal chitin media. Assessment of mycoparasitic activity against pathogen like Aspergillus niger, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium oxysporum was carried out of potent fungi based on the activity of glucanases enzymes. Few PFF had shown decent outcome against various phyto-pathogen by constraining their proliferation.