Written in the style of a diagnostic manual, this chapter distinguishes the disordered personality of the malignant narcissist in leadership from garden variety personality disorders, or simply malignant narcissism per se. Quasi-diagnostic criteria is offered along with etiologic information that demonstrates the characterological uniqueness of the pathology and the dire formative experiences relevant to malignant narcissist leadership (MNL) in adulthood. An overview of the features of this destructive leadership type includes: MNL ideation, affect, object relations, impulse control, culture-related issues, gender-related issues, development and course of MNL pathology, comorbidities, thanatological issues, types of cults formed by MNLs, and preventive and epidemiological measures. A recommended profile of the MNL includes discussion of the god drive, megalomania, narcissism, criminality, sadism, paranoia, and the Caligula Complex, as well as vengefulness, malignant envy, creative illness, “spiritual” gifts, pseudologica fantastica, and the sexual life of the MNL. The chapter is relevant to advancing psychopathology, psychobiography, psychohistory, forensic psychology, forensic psychiatry, forensic social work, organizational development, and related fields. Given the ubiquity and dangerousness of the malignant narcissist in leadership, it is emphasized that urgency exists in terms of further study, inclusion of the MNL in official nomenclature, and prevention awareness.